To Sum It Up
Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 23:59
The following is a sum of points I'd like to get across to this seemingly retarded community of players...
(In Random Order) -->
Inb4 "umadbroquestionmark" : Yup, I am. I'd very much like to nuke tons of you.
1. Stop using consumables in duels and BGs. It only makes you look like you have NO IDEA about your Class. You 'll benefit more, in the long run, by learning how the fuck to play. Retards.
2. Stop stacking PvE Gear. Just stop. First of all, the retarded SWP gear makes 2.4.3 look more like 3.0. And we all know that that patch was absolutely fucktarded due to its burst. Don't even deny it. Just stop stacking PvE gear (2-3 offpieces are allright, but it's retarded seeing people on 100 resil) or GTFO. Morons.
3. This goes out especially to premades: Stop stacking half-team Full-SWP Geared People and half-team Healers (Mostcommon:Rdruid.jpeg) - It is absolutely retarded, kills the fun in PvP and makes you look ultra dumb. Also stop camping the GY. I realise it makes your e-penis bigger but you're just horrible mongoloids abusing a team setup that works solely due to 2.4.3 being TBC's final patch (aka stat inflation). Mongoloids.
4. Stop crying when you legitimately lose a duel. Stop blaming RNG, stop blaming your latency. Also stop judging people by how they perform in a duel (especially when it's a fucking single one - and stop acting l33tpr0 when you win one - humility goes a long way). It makes you seem a 70-IQ mongrel. Cretins.
5. Use PvP to improve (OH THE HORROR!) your knowledge/awareness/gameplay/theorycrafting and not to grief other people. Point out obvious mistakes so both you and your opponent improve. It's called sportsmanship.
6. Akeno uploaded a guide regarding BGs. Read it. Seriously, just read it so I won't have to bang my head on the desk everytime...
7. Rogues: Stop spamming Hemo and Evisc/Kidney on cd. Shiv, Rupture, EA + 19474937462837382983982 other tools say hi. ALSO START KICKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
8. Shamans: Stop spamming hurrdurrlightning in SWP Gear. Totems say hi.
9. Druids: Stop spamming Moonfire and Wrath in SWP Gear. You're dumb.
10. I have probably forgot a lot of rant topics. SADLY.
The following goes out to the dev team -->
1. Remove SWP gear completely or make it available SOLELY via Raiding. No ifs and buts. Just do it already. Also, REMOVE current SWP items from EVERY active char (except those who got it by raiding, I suppose).
2. Please fix the LoS issues.
3. Change AV rotation times. Noone enjoys this BG here, and tbh a 40v40 BGs with stat-inflated gear (Everyone and their mothers in S4/SWP) just ends up in a totally retarded zergfest.
4. Make consumables (Apart Food/Drink/Bandages & Class-Specific items ofc) and prof reagents cost Honor/BoJ while reducing the Honor cost of S3 (It takes a lot of time for newcomers to farm their gear playing solo - due to obvious reasons - It would also help donors / gear-capped players spend the god damn honor on something).
5. A big thanks to Exsurgo for all his bug fixes. Well done man.
6. More GM-Organised Events would be nice.
7. I realise you're all volunteers and with a likely limited time schedule, so I don't expect everything to happen. That is totally logical, and there is no problem with that. What I feel though is that, as a team, you either are slow to make decisions or too reluctant (See: Remove SWP Gear). Just try your best.
Anyway, rant over, I guess.
(In Random Order) -->
Inb4 "umadbroquestionmark" : Yup, I am. I'd very much like to nuke tons of you.
1. Stop using consumables in duels and BGs. It only makes you look like you have NO IDEA about your Class. You 'll benefit more, in the long run, by learning how the fuck to play. Retards.
2. Stop stacking PvE Gear. Just stop. First of all, the retarded SWP gear makes 2.4.3 look more like 3.0. And we all know that that patch was absolutely fucktarded due to its burst. Don't even deny it. Just stop stacking PvE gear (2-3 offpieces are allright, but it's retarded seeing people on 100 resil) or GTFO. Morons.
3. This goes out especially to premades: Stop stacking half-team Full-SWP Geared People and half-team Healers (Mostcommon:Rdruid.jpeg) - It is absolutely retarded, kills the fun in PvP and makes you look ultra dumb. Also stop camping the GY. I realise it makes your e-penis bigger but you're just horrible mongoloids abusing a team setup that works solely due to 2.4.3 being TBC's final patch (aka stat inflation). Mongoloids.
4. Stop crying when you legitimately lose a duel. Stop blaming RNG, stop blaming your latency. Also stop judging people by how they perform in a duel (especially when it's a fucking single one - and stop acting l33tpr0 when you win one - humility goes a long way). It makes you seem a 70-IQ mongrel. Cretins.
5. Use PvP to improve (OH THE HORROR!) your knowledge/awareness/gameplay/theorycrafting and not to grief other people. Point out obvious mistakes so both you and your opponent improve. It's called sportsmanship.
6. Akeno uploaded a guide regarding BGs. Read it. Seriously, just read it so I won't have to bang my head on the desk everytime...
7. Rogues: Stop spamming Hemo and Evisc/Kidney on cd. Shiv, Rupture, EA + 19474937462837382983982 other tools say hi. ALSO START KICKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
8. Shamans: Stop spamming hurrdurrlightning in SWP Gear. Totems say hi.
9. Druids: Stop spamming Moonfire and Wrath in SWP Gear. You're dumb.
10. I have probably forgot a lot of rant topics. SADLY.
The following goes out to the dev team -->
1. Remove SWP gear completely or make it available SOLELY via Raiding. No ifs and buts. Just do it already. Also, REMOVE current SWP items from EVERY active char (except those who got it by raiding, I suppose).
2. Please fix the LoS issues.
3. Change AV rotation times. Noone enjoys this BG here, and tbh a 40v40 BGs with stat-inflated gear (Everyone and their mothers in S4/SWP) just ends up in a totally retarded zergfest.
4. Make consumables (Apart Food/Drink/Bandages & Class-Specific items ofc) and prof reagents cost Honor/BoJ while reducing the Honor cost of S3 (It takes a lot of time for newcomers to farm their gear playing solo - due to obvious reasons - It would also help donors / gear-capped players spend the god damn honor on something).
5. A big thanks to Exsurgo for all his bug fixes. Well done man.
6. More GM-Organised Events would be nice.
7. I realise you're all volunteers and with a likely limited time schedule, so I don't expect everything to happen. That is totally logical, and there is no problem with that. What I feel though is that, as a team, you either are slow to make decisions or too reluctant (See: Remove SWP Gear). Just try your best.
Anyway, rant over, I guess.