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Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 19:05
by Exsurgo
So as many of you may know, 3v3 was disabled due to rampant and prolific win-trading that took place.
Due to the lack of activity on the bracket compared to 2v2, the effectiveness of such underhand tactics was much more damaging to the bracket as a whole.
Nevertheless, almost everyone I talk to is very keen for 3v3 rated to be brought back. What we need for a successful 3s bracket is two things:
1 - GM/Admin and Community vigilance against win-trading
2 - A decent player-base
One possible solution is to make 3v3 available in a similar manner to Alterac valley. So we could have a global announcement at say three - one/two hour blocks per day. Such a system could help to concentrate the available player base for players of different time-zones. I would very much appreciate if people could share their thoughts on a system like this. It could also ensure that times of the day/night where win-trading is heavily present could be monitored or disabled.
The second consideration is rewards. I would like to think that people would be interested in playing 3v3 for fun, but the reality is that often to create competition a degree of prestige or reward is required. Any feedback on this would be much welcomed.
Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 19:19
by Deceitx
Yes, yes,yes,yes and yes... and some more yes!
About that vigilante part.. hmm, where is haymaker? I would like to use the quote he's rolling with! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei batman!!!!
Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 19:56
by Exsurgo
Deceitx wrote:Yes, yes,yes,yes and yes... and some more yes!
Nice to know. What do you think of the idea for specific times of the day for 3v3 rated games?
Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 20:23
by Akeno
Nice to know. What do you think of the idea for specific times of the day for 3v3 rated games?
I think it would be a great idea. Would be nice if there's also a specific time vendor for 3v3 rewards,which players can get only by playing 3v3. Im not sure about what the rewards could be. SWP gear is an option,but most people are arguing about it right now.
Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 20:53
by Deceitx
Exsurgo wrote:Deceitx wrote:Yes, yes,yes,yes and yes... and some more yes!
Nice to know. What do you think of the idea for specific times of the day for 3v3 rated games?
The specific times of the day for 3v3 are genius! Though _I_ believe adding some bonuses in there might attract more people to the Arena Battlemaster.. 50+ Arena points per win during the 3v3 hour?
This worked on @AT , and its going to work here aswell.
Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 21:05
by Amgseret
Sounds great, hope it works out.
Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 21:09
by nylithee
Would love to get some 3v3 back ! so fun bracket .. but yea like more arena points/ honor maybe should bring it back tbh! like ever 3d hour or 2d hour
Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 21:13
by Cube
Akeno wrote:SWP gear is an option,but most people are arguing about it right now.
That's a good idea, especially with the addition of SC.
People seem to have a hard time understanding the swp argument, at least my side of it. I don't mind having swp gear around, what bothers me is that the accessibility, and how it works as an incentive for people to go all out pve gear. SC isn't the problem, and as a 3v3 reward it wouldn't be either. The problem lies with the donation system, and SC (and possibly 3v3) in
addition to this.
Implementing swp gear as a reward for 3v3, while removing
all (yes,
all) swp gear from the $5 donation (which is ridiculous), but keeping the individual donations for swp gear would be a great improvement. On top of this, it would be more fair to non-donors.
In other words, you could get swp gear from both pve and pvp, while still being able to donate for it. It would also make the $5 donation a bit less ridiculous than it is.
inb4 the it-would-be-unfair-to-new-donors-post-change argument. Like it hasn't been done before.
Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 21:33
by Exsurgo
We could certainly buff the points gain from 3v3 quite significantly. I am sure there are other rewards that could be kept exclusive to 3v3 rating to give a kick start to the bracket. Vanity and transmorg items could be one, Sunwell gear another.
The most important thing is to get a good surge of interest in the bracket, as the more popular it is the more competitive it becomes, and the lower chance for win-traders to quickly farm up to rank 1 like they did with the old system.
Thanks for the valuable feedback so far, keep it coming.
I was thinking that during the 3v3 opening hours, we could have a special NPC spawn in a highly visible location, and various announcemeants displayed to get people to que.
Re: Suggestions for the return of 3v3
Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 22:24
by Littletiny
Opening 3v3 would be great. 1800-2200 opening time pls :-D (server time that is)