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Posts: 8


Post by jammingjohn »

Hey Henry, I was wondering if perhaps you could keep the general pve population out there updated about the SC (Scarlet Citadel), how it's going or what you are going to do to make it "special".
Maybe start a debate on what bosses/abilities we should have in it?
Posts: 7855
Location: Sweden

Re: OMG NEW RAID!?!?!?

Post by Henhouse »

It will very much resemble the original Scarlet Citadel from years past. Only this time there will be modifications to various things and the bosses being entirely rewritten in C++ this time. The final event and looting will be totally redone too.

I have not begun work on it yet since I'm still getting caught up on a lot of things that I didn't have time for earlier. Now that Winter's Veil has ended, transfers are becoming less frequent and things like transmogrification are in, I can begin to focus on SC soon.

Tonight I was working on our anti-wintrading patch so that S4 prices can come down, etc.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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