Horde or Alliance TBC
Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 09:55
So i decided 2 try out TBC for the 1st time and theres a character saying to make an alliance ._. Why?
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Maiyuki wrote:So i decided 2 try out TBC for the 1st time and theres a character saying to make an alliance ._. Why?
This is because Horde is overplayed! There is more horde players than alliance!Maiyuki wrote:So i decided 2 try out TBC for the 1st time and theres a character saying to make an alliance ._. Why?
Shhhhh , don't make alliance char , Alliance sucks . Shhhh.Maiyuki wrote:So i decided 2 try out TBC for the 1st time and theres a character saying to make an alliance ._. Why?