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Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 21 Apr 2009, 02:58
by Roadtodawn3
post a video of the person who you think is best "pro gamer" e.g. athene, wowhobbs, anybody who is pro and shows it in their video..and idc if its urself too
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 21 Apr 2009, 03:24
by Subway
I love Athene, however the best guys I've seen is Cherekee and Beasteh. They've inspired me to start play after a small break so many times, both the 2v2 and the 3v3 video is good, but the 2v2 video is best ^^
Cant say which one of them I like best cuz Cherekee is even announced best player of some season, but Beasteh has such controll and as I play druid myself I just wanna have that same controll ^^
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 21 Apr 2009, 10:33
by Tonxik
lol i learned to play a hunter by there game play...and aswell thx to this gal/lad ... 964950b364
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 21 Apr 2009, 16:24
by Skriot
Infinity and babyroot inspired and learned me hunter.. they rape cherez and beasteh easy
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 21 Apr 2009, 18:25
by Subway
I tried to find some about Infinity to see what he was like :), but then I just came into articles where there were comments like:
"We queued at nigh, met them, and won in 10 secounds. After that we didn't see them anymore, so I highly doubt they didn't use boosting"
Seems like some think he's been wintrading ;O, some say they aint sure and some say's he really is good. I want a video! :P
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 21 Apr 2009, 21:03
by Tonxik
Cirenia wrote:I tried to find some about Infinity to see what he was like :), but then I just came into articles where there were comments like:
"We queued at nigh, met them, and won in 10 secounds. After that we didn't see them anymore, so I highly doubt they didn't use boosting"
Seems like some think he's been wintrading ;O, some say they aint sure and some say's he really is good. I want a video! :P
i gave a vid where babyroot and infinity played 2v2...ummm might wanna look at it cir:p
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 21 Apr 2009, 21:25
by Subway
Ow, that was them? Didnt see the name lol.. ^^ Well, he was quite ok :) Still like Cherez/Beasteh more ;) but thats just me..
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 22 Apr 2009, 01:17
by Roadtodawn3
thanks everyone for the input, if anyone else wants to post that be good, im just interested in seeing good players out there : )
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 22 Apr 2009, 02:01
by Reft123
Re: Best "pro gamer"?
Posted: 26 Apr 2009, 20:29
by Sicsixsic
Vurtne. He is one of the first mages to pull off 1vX , hes done 1v2/3s in Shit gear.
That does not make him the best, i value the ability to face 1vX players and take them down one at a time while ccing the other or interrupting heals blah blah , more then arena.
He point blank ice blocked pom-pyro, deathcoil etc, when that was very rare back in pre tbc.
Like as you'll notice on retail well use to anyway if you left ice block for a split second the effect of immune lasts for a bit til the whole things totally gone and he used that. Things such as that made him a very smart and fascinating player.
His videos are not the best but he was the first to abuse the game to his advantage with everything , and i don't mean abuse in a bad way, he knew how to play very well , did amazing things and was very good.
I just wish he would make more videos, he had a few in plan but due to hard drive problems he lost them and now rarely plays
Still though the top player in my opinion would be Acrono , I dislike neilyo even though he is a very good player, he reminds me of myself back at scape, i was bad but i still had a few buttbuddys in his case , hes good but people believe hes god when hes not. Acrono on the other hand isnt as well known , isnt top end in arena but hes the most unpredictable rogue ive seen. His ability to take down say a druid and a paladin at the same time stopping them from healing , breaking los from certain attacks etc and using engineering at the right time while in crap gear, is amazing, hes not just like vurtne , yes vurtne knows how to manipulate the game as well but i think its harder to as a rogue and Acrono is very amazing in arena as well anyway.
Im done with my wall of text