Making the guilds disband..?

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Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Manersi »

It was honestly stupid to make the two top guilds disband. It made Smolderforge fun having the two top guilds on separate factions and having rival guild masters. No matter what though, there will ALWAYS be two dominant guilds that dominate bg's and get the chance to farm kills. So yeah, unfair and completely pointless.
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Re: Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Henhouse »

It would be wise, and save you from embarrassment if you took the time to read the post regarding the discussion made: ... 943#p39943

I did not demand any of them to disband their guilds. Firstaidkit chose to disband his guild on his own free will.
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Re: Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Manersi »

Even then, I have a question. When any team 5caps or something in a BG what are they suppose to do? The onlyy thing left is to gyv farm, cause if you don't you're just wasting your time.
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Re: Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Henhouse »

Manersi wrote:Even then, I have a question. When any team 5caps or something in a BG what are they suppose to do? The onlyy thing left is to gyv farm, cause if you don't you're just wasting your time.
Return to normal battleground play and follow the objectives. Believe it or not they are designed that way and not a massive kill zone.
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Re: Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Manersi »

Gyv farming after a dominating win isn't something thats only been done here, it's been around since WoW itself.
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Re: Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Henhouse »

Manersi wrote:Gyv farming after a dominating win isn't something thats only been done here, it's been around since WoW itself.
I'm aware, but when every battleground simply becomes a HK farmzone killing frenzy that is not retail-like as you put it is when this is a problem. Sure it happens on occasion, sure it happened sometimes in retail. But these are different circumstances.
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Re: Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Manersi »

Weather hk's mattered here or not, it would still be like that simply because it's a private server and 60% of the population has never played retail and have no idea how to play objective :P
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Re: Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Henhouse »

It wasn't like this a year ago. That is the point, to restore BGs to what they used to be for 3/4 of SF's history.
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Re: Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Riski »

You sound like you are trying to defend GY farming. I don't see why you would want to do that considering if you were on the butt end of the deal getting farmed every game and never able to leave your spawn I'm sure you would want it to stop. It's easy to defend "I want to pew pew all the people in lesser gear without trying" but it's a little more difficult to defend "I want to sit in my GY and never leave because the second I spawn I get chain CCed and killed instantly."
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Re: Making the guilds disband..?

Post by Manersi »

Riski wrote:You sound like you are trying to defend GY farming. I don't see why you would want to do that considering if you were on the butt end of the deal getting farmed every game and never able to leave your spawn I'm sure you would want it to stop. It's easy to defend "I want to pew pew all the people in lesser gear without trying" but it's a little more difficult to defend "I want to sit in my GY and never leave because the second I spawn I get chain CCed and killed instantly."
I get gyv camped too, I don't cry about it, it happens (:
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