Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

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Poll: Should multiboxing be banned?

Yes, ban it completely.
No, do not ban it.
Total votes: 153

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Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Henhouse »

This a decision that has lingered around for an entire year now. Arguments have been heard on both sides. Some valid, some not so valid. We've heard moderately equal sides from both but the time has simply come to put this to the public to vote on.

The outcome of this decision will heavily affect the one I make for upcoming late-Spring changes to Smolderforge. Multiboxing has become an abusive act conducted by various players. Due to the nature of this act we're unable to properly enforce the rules properly and fairly to all responsibly for recent events.

This ban on multiboxing will affect all multiboxing conducted in-game and is therefore, not limited to PvE, PvP or even outside whereabouts throughout the world logged into.

Your opinion is valued, and thank you for voting.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 29

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Dingdong »

PvP ban should be enforced.
For all 3 of them that care to PvE while multi-boxing, let them.
Posts: 35

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Laurtris »

It should have never been allowed
Posts: 1567

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Amgseret »

Took a while :D

But I still dont know what to vote for, the current situation is annoying, yes, but I am against a complete ban. Specially in pve, who would give a damn if some guy wants to do Kara on his 10 shamies...

As in pvp, well, limit it to 3 players. Gives both sides room to breath.
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Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Geezuus »

wasnt banned on retail,and we lived thru aswell...

besides its disadvantage to have 5 guys actin like one in ur bg... thats if you actually want to win.
Posts: 2551

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Cube »

Geezuus wrote:wasnt banned on retail,and we lived thru aswell...

besides its disadvantage to have 5 guys actin like one in ur bg... thats if you actually want to win.
Some of us just wants to have fun.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 6

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Vrapche »

It is not fun when someone always kill u without using any skill... multyboxing is not skill, its personal fun and i call it cheat... Player with 5 chars can 1hit kill u ( to be correct - 5 perfect same timed hits). It is annoying when u need to resurrect all over again from that kind of death, and to put all over again potions, buffs and whatever u use to gain a little bit advantage in BG. I can imagine how spell casters feel when they need also to sit down in bg and w8 for mana... Rogues can only hide, rest cant... So it's simple not fair play in bg, where 1 person with 5 characters can alone act as healer, defender, and offence...
Posts: 116

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Haymaker »

Geezuus wrote:wasnt banned on retail,and we lived thru aswell...

besides its disadvantage to have 5 guys actin like one in ur bg... thats if you actually want to win.
Lol, cause on retail they don't get 10 free geared shamans that they don't have to pay money per month for. That is all, ban 'em, fuck 'em, cya.
I am the hero that this server deserves...
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Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Cube »

4 people voted no. This is why we need Hen to be more of a dictator. Shouldn't give power to the people when a good bunch of them are mental rejects.

Edit: Oh, and in before "nothing stops you from multiboxing yourself", fucking idiots.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 1178

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Xaru »

No, don't ban it. You should ban graveyard farming before you ban multiboxing. There are horde and alliance multiboxers and people only whine because they don't know how to kill them. It isn't hard to avoid them either and focus on objectives, they aren't as mobile as a group of individuals.

If you do decide to ban it I don't think Stina should be counted. He's practically a server celebrity. And he's really nice.
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