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[April Fools!] *IMPORTANT* Recruiting *PLEASE READ*

Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 09:34
by Vord
Hello everyone!

The purpose of this thread is to inform everyone that Smolderforge is going through a lack of GMs. We’ve been suffering from this for a long period of time and after long and tedious discussions with the few other staff members left we came up with the best recruiting idea we’ve had so far. We also want to let you all know that we took all of your suggestions/complaints in mind.

For a whole day we will upgrade every single character that applies on this thread to level 2. This means, every single character will become a Game Master for a single day and will go through some evaluation process that will decide whether he/she stays in the position or not.

For this application there are no requirements, all you need is a forum account and a preferred in-game character that will become a Game Master.

Some of you may be wondering: Are you crazy? Won’t it become chaos? Everyone is a GM, seriously??? Well… Fortunately the few staff members left will stay online most of the time monitoring everyone’s activity. We also have the help of written logs that will tell us what everyone is doing so no worries!

To apply please follow the following format:
• What is your character's name in-game:
• Other languages fluent in besides English:
• Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
• Any additional comments you would like to add?

Notice: Please do not contact us asking about if we've accepted your application. We will immediately upgrade your account once you apply.

Thank you for applying and happy GMing!


Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 09:54
by Imperium
• What is your character's name in-game: ronpauladin
• Other languages fluent in besides English: american
• Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? ¿
• Any additional comments you would like to add? vote for me, 2012. i support orc healthcare.


Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 10:08
by Tantrum
• What is your character's name in-game: OoRogueoO
• Other languages fluent in besides English: Irani, and n3rdSp34k
• Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? No, they go against my religion
• Any additional comments you would like to add? Ban rogues


Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 10:17
by Vanilla
To apply please follow the following format:
• What is your character's name in-game: FunnyBunny , Vanilla , TakeCare.
• Other languages fluent in besides English: Russian,Lithuanian,Belorussian
• Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes.
• Any additional comments you would like to add? Nothing else to add:).

it everything that bad? :S ...


Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 10:46
by Cherrylol
- Kosenanat
- Salam
- xaxa fail ?
- its FAKE LOL


Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 12:55
by Vanilla
it's april the 1st. (y) Forgot :S


Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 13:43
by Overdozze
To apply please follow the following format:
• What is your character's name in-game:Overdozze
• Other languages fluent in besides English:Romanian,French,Japanese,Russian
• Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?:No!Problem?
• Any additional comments you would like to add?:Obvious is too obvious...
• Do you think Mayore is a good player?: Not even that far...

Even knowing its 1st of april I would have believed a "WRATH IS UP AND RUNNING" prank.


Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 15:04
by Peekaboo
To apply please follow the following format:
• What is your character's name in-game: Zulwissheler
• Other languages fluent in besides English: only iran and terrorist
• Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? salam
• Any additional comments you would like to add? no


Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 23:16
by Mayore


Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 23:50
by Gandraman
To apply please follow the following format:
• What is your character's name in-game:Vrach
• Other languages fluent in besides English:Serbian, Croatian , Montenegrian, Macedonian , Esperanto
• Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Not really ...
• Any additional comments you would like to add? Join the Horde we have cookies and milk ! 3:D

Lied about esperanto ! :P