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Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 18:48
by Zatrex
This topic is about ''the best players'' in smolderforge!
thats the situation: we met in arena Inflamex (elani) + Joeblow (Kzv) thats shadow priest + rogue (they have done 2400 rating with that setup on retail wow ;o). So look what happened we killed Inflamex and what did Joeblow did? he stealthed and stayed about 1 hour in stealth till we crash... here are some screenshots :P

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 19:11
by gianni
lol lama.
that day zat was in arena for about a hour talking to me how lame that was xD till he went offline :D that must be when u disconnected right?

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 19:35
by Kzv
Not like we haven't discussed this for one hour already..
You abused a bug (grounding totem under bridge) and we abused a bug (stealth orbs not working probobly.
The thing is; you have to kill both players to win the arena. We couldn't kill your warrior because grounding is super bugged - you couldn't kill the rogue because stealth orbs are super bugged too.


Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 19:40
by Zatrex
I didnt want to bug the totem so.. + this it was changed after 5-6 seconds >< and you stayed 1 hour for 15 rating thats pretty nooblike , its just funny

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 19:44
by Kzv
I didnt want to bug the totem so.. + this it was changed after 5-6 seconds >< and you stayed 1 hour for 15 rating thats pretty nooblike , its just funny
one more time in english please

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 19:51
by Kzv
btw nice screenshots?
not really any proof.. wtf
you cant say that we were in that arena

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 19:55
by Zatrex
you are saying that you havent been in the arena or what lul

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 19:56
by Kzv
i never said that, did i?
just saying that its some stupid, unnesassary screenshots..

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 19:58
by Zatrex
omg nvm i think its enought for the others to understand how retarded you 2 are. I wont comment this topic anymore.

Re: Kzv + elani = pro

Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 20:11
by Kzv
I heard ppl like shamans