Resto Shamans

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Resto Shamans

Post by Grimar »

So im rly pissed at losing rating to all resto shamans that use shitloads of bugs. You guys removed distract so why don't you just remove earthbind and grounding totem to. Dont care if shamans sux without em with nature guardian they are kinda impossible to kill.

I would like to report Goodgodguard aswell for using the s4 gloves. [url= ... busing.jpg]
Last edited by Grimar on 01 Mar 2009, 23:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Resto Shamans

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

not really, i do ok,
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Re: Resto Shamans

Post by Grimar »

roadtodawn3 wrote:not really, i do ok,
Yes because you got MS. If wound would work a rogue would be able to kill a shaman but atm it's a pain in the ass.
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Re: Resto Shamans

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

idk, there are a few bugs on the server, henhouse cant fix most cuz they are core bugs, he can only qq to mangos or watever unified
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Re: Resto Shamans

Post by Henhouse »

Grimar wrote:So im rly pissed at losing rating to all resto shamans that use shitloads of bugs. You guys removed distract so why don't you just remove earthbind and grounding totem to. Dont care if shamans sux without em with nature guardian they are kinda impossible to kill.

I would like to report Goodgodguard aswell for using the s4 gloves. [url= ... busing.jpg]
What are you trying to report? You said you're reporting Goodgodguard for having S4 gloves, but this picture is a screenshot of someone's talent tree.
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Re: Resto Shamans

Post by Deems »

roadtodawn3 wrote:not really, i do ok,
How fucking stupid are you? You got 50% healing reduction (mortal strike), and rogues got 10% (bugged wounding poison). Oh, and also you got a mace swinging that procs stuns every 2nd hit.

Now ask yourself again, why do you do ok against resto shammies.
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Re: Resto Shamans

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

deems stop flaming, you seriously just need to stfu, i paly rogue mage and we do fine against shamans, its not the 10% bug, because definately he can stop the shaman from casting, gouge, gg, kick, stun, gg i mean comon, dont flame, you constantly do it and its not like i was yelling at him or anything, just shut up, think before you speak
Its Fluckadinz!
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Re: Resto Shamans

Post by Grimar »

Henhouse wrote:
Grimar wrote:So im rly pissed at losing rating to all resto shamans that use shitloads of bugs. You guys removed distract so why don't you just remove earthbind and grounding totem to. Dont care if shamans sux without em with nature guardian they are kinda impossible to kill.

I would like to report Goodgodguard aswell for using the s4 gloves.
What are you trying to report? You sai ... dguard.jpg
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Re: Resto Shamans

Post by Henhouse »

Grimar wrote:
Henhouse wrote:
Grimar wrote:So im rly pissed at losing rating to all resto shamans that use shitloads of bugs. You guys removed distract so why don't you just remove earthbind and grounding totem to. Dont care if shamans sux without em with nature guardian they are kinda impossible to kill.

I would like to report Goodgodguard aswell for using the s4 gloves.
What are you trying to report? You sai ... dguard.jpg
Thanks, it was most likely bought when the S4 vendor was in Shattrath that we didn't know about. I've removed it now.
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Re: Resto Shamans

Post by Grimar »

It's so fun to play against shaman teams. Have lost shitloads of games today against shamans. Grounding totems absorbs all my spells and nature guardian heal all the time. So fucking shit can't belivie that you guys ignore this problem.
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