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Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 19:30
by Sefice
Hello every1 i would like to know if i could buy REP such as sunwell ETC? i am after sunwell rep cause i am just to lazy to farm it :P thanks get back to me!

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 20:24
by Mynce
im curious if u can buy rep at ALL , would love to buy rep for Ashtongue deathsworn

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 20:50
by Sefice
Would be nice

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 22:34
by Wacco
It would be something and Henhouse would atleast get money from me If you can buy Exalted.
I want the trinket from Ashtongue Deathsworn :)

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 22:35
by Mynce
meh depends on the Faction imo.
or add the trinkets to the vendor ? hmm
maybe a poll should be made about this ?

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 23:24
by Clizzey
It's very doable..

But if its gonna be like that... It really turns out to be a money-fest. The more money you spend, the better "you" get.

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 23:40
by Mynce
Ashtongue isnt doable when no one does BT , and farming Arcane tomes only works up until friendly

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 00:11
by Sefice
maybe a poll should be made about this ?

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 02:13
by Henhouse
Sefice wrote:maybe a poll should be made about this ?
Added to this thread.

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 11:07
by Firstaidkit
I wouldn't like to see someone buy the Battlground reputations like Warsong Outriders, The Defilers, The Frostwolves. I put a lot of effort into farming this and it will be completly unfair if someone just buys it. It will take like 500+ bg's to gain exalted with one of those. Let alone with all of them (which I did).

Therefore I voted for a no, imo you should just earn it the normal way since rep is already boosted here.