RIP Steve Jobs!

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RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Lebban »

Steve Jobs - 1955-2011


Apple has lost a visionary and creative genious, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will be foreve the foundation of Apple.
Last edited by Lebban on 06 Oct 2011, 18:23, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Toosh »

It is a sad day indeed. I just heard about it myself and the guy should have still had a handful of good years ahead of him.

Even if you're not a fan of Apple's products you should give it up for Jobs for being a mastermind.

We've lost a genius. The Thomas Edison / Henry Ford of his time.
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Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Henhouse »

He was my hero. It really makes me sad to hear that he has passed.

He revolutionized modern computing, the way we listen to music, the entire smartphone industry, and much, much more. The world has indeed lost a genius, an innovator that has changed so much and pushed us forward. He left his company in good hands, it just will be sad to no longer see him there. Steve Jobs was Apple...

So long Steve, you will be sorely missed. My heart goes out to your family and children.

Forever your loyal fan,
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Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Bleu213 » ... d=14383813

An article about it.

Now that I think about it, I wonder how the stocks will do for Apple. I mean, I know he left as CEO a while ago, but still. It's possible to have an impact.
Last edited by Bleu213 on 06 Oct 2011, 02:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Mcrofl »

You will be missed!

RIP Steve Jobs!
Hi lol K kurwa Decei
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Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Jealousy »

It is a shame, to have all that and to die at such a young age, Just goes to show that no matter how much money you have there are still many things we can do nothing about.
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Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Bleu213 »

Jealousy wrote:It is a shame, to have all that and to die at such a young age, Just goes to show that no matter how much money you have there are still many things we can do nothing about.
Well, to be fair, he died at the age of 56 years old. Currently, it's about 78 years old for the US, so he was about 20 years from average. Still, it's a sad death to be had...

Unless it wasn't. I've been toying with this idea that Jobs was actually murdered by Sudanese assassins. The rough draft works like this.

Steve Jobs and Apple were working in some shady businesses. Upon discovering something, Jobs gets cold feet. He decides it's time to pull the plug on the shady business, but the Board on Apple doesn't so much like this. One guy in particular decides it's time to take matters into his own hands and successfully forces Steve Jobs to retire as CEO or face worse consequences. Steve, still distraught from the current dark turn his company has taken still fights to show to light the evils of this mad corporation, even though it will put all of them (himself included) into prison. Steve is fine with this as it means he can finally live with himself. Sadly, the person that took over Apple hired Sudanese assassins (using the profits made from the iPad), to finally silence Jobs.

I can't wait to see the next edition of... iMan!
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Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Henhouse »

I found this video CNN compiled very nice, but sad. The last clip made me sad like it was him saying farewell: ... &hpt=hp_t1
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Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Xaru »

Really sad. I don't think it'll effect Apple's stocks. They might even sell more products with all the news of his death, who knows?

Strange to think we were talking about his health the other day Hen. >_>
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Re: RIP Steve Jobs!

Post by Wafflesauce »

yeah, i hate apple. but the death of steve jobs still saddens me. R.I.P steve jobs :O

(p.s. macs still suck my ass hair)
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