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Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 09:18
by Garrett172
i have seen it in the tips and people talking about it, wat is it?

Re: Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 09:24
by Xaru
It's when you play arena but a seperate team (played by you or friends willing to help you) will deliberately lose in order to boost your arena rating. That's as far as I understand it anyways.

You could have also just googled "what's a win-trader" and seen a bunch of explanations.

Re: Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 09:25
by Firstaidkit
People queu vs themselfs with ungeared or starter geared characters to boost their arena team on their main. Usually done in 3 vs. 3 since nobody plays them.

This is strictly prohibited!

Re: Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 11:14
by Darkgroom
I will for sure make a check for this in the future, we can calculate Item level very well so i will be able to see if a team is allowed to fight each other.

also, i was thinking about a system like this:

Team 1, Rating: 1000, team 2 Rating: 2000, Allow to fight each other? NO because there is a too big difference between the 2 ratings.

What i can check also is the Win / Loose, when a team has won 50 times and not lost anything to give them 2x less rating or something.

Will discus this with henhouse for sure.

Sincerely, Darkgroom
Smolderforge Developer.

Re: Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 11:39
by Firstaidkit
Darkgroom wrote:I will for sure make a check for this in the future, we can calculate Item level very well so i will be able to see if a team is allowed to fight each other.

also, i was thinking about a system like this:

Team 1, Rating: 1000, team 2 Rating: 2000, Allow to fight each other? NO because there is a too big difference between the 2 ratings.

What i can check also is the Win / Loose, when a team has won 50 times and not lost anything to give them 2x less rating or something.

Will discus this with henhouse for sure.

Sincerely, Darkgroom
Smolderforge Developer.
A lot of people got there title through queue dodging. *COUGH* Wanca, Swellington, Drxoxo *COUGH*
And I think it will be unfair if you change that system now.

Re: Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 12:13
by Wancathufeoq
You are so clueless about people who are dodging and who aren't. I cba to argue about that, cause I know how things are done , cause I play arena a lot. So I gonna sum up everything in one sentence: Some people who you think never dodge - do dodge, and some people who you think dodge - not dodging at all.

Re: Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 12:46
by ZatYo
Darkgroom wrote:I will for sure make a check for this in the future, we can calculate Item level very well so i will be able to see if a team is allowed to fight each other.

also, i was thinking about a system like this:

Team 1, Rating: 1000, team 2 Rating: 2000, Allow to fight each other? NO because there is a too big difference between the 2 ratings.

What i can check also is the Win / Loose, when a team has won 50 times and not lost anything to give them 2x less rating or something.

Will discus this with henhouse for sure.

Sincerely, Darkgroom
Smolderforge Developer.
When a team has won 50 times and not lost anything to give them 2x less rating or something... bro... what? I don't get this, don't get why do you wanna do it... force good ppl lose or what? Not every1 with 50-0 wintraded. Also I could play arena naked without wintrading... thats not against the rules.
I respect you as a developper but don't mess with stuff you don't understand.

Re: Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 12:50
by ZatYo
@ Firstaidkit I've never seen wanca dodge any1, also he never got a title lol.

Re: Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 12:51
by ZatYo
Xaru wrote:It's when you play arena but a seperate team (played by you or friends willing to help you) will deliberately lose in order to boost your arena rating. That's as far as I understand it anyways.

You could have also just googled "what's a win-trader" and seen a bunch of explanations.
btw that's what wintrading means, playing ur alts with 10 wows is another case.

Re: Whats a win-trader?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 12:52
by Wancathufeoq
Well if you wanna mess with this stuff , it would be better to give 50-0 guys more rating per win , that would sound more fairly. Well nevermind that stuff, it wouldn't change anything. If you wanna decrease chance of wintrading, make arena more popular. I think s3 pieces should be for low amount of rating and arena points, like it used to be.