Whats a win-trader?
Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 09:18
i have seen it in the tips and people talking about it, wat is it?
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A lot of people got there title through queue dodging. *COUGH* Wanca, Swellington, Drxoxo *COUGH*Darkgroom wrote:I will for sure make a check for this in the future, we can calculate Item level very well so i will be able to see if a team is allowed to fight each other.
also, i was thinking about a system like this:
Team 1, Rating: 1000, team 2 Rating: 2000, Allow to fight each other? NO because there is a too big difference between the 2 ratings.
What i can check also is the Win / Loose, when a team has won 50 times and not lost anything to give them 2x less rating or something.
Will discus this with henhouse for sure.
Sincerely, Darkgroom
Smolderforge Developer.
When a team has won 50 times and not lost anything to give them 2x less rating or something... bro... what? I don't get this, don't get why do you wanna do it... force good ppl lose or what? Not every1 with 50-0 wintraded. Also I could play arena naked without wintrading... thats not against the rules.Darkgroom wrote:I will for sure make a check for this in the future, we can calculate Item level very well so i will be able to see if a team is allowed to fight each other.
also, i was thinking about a system like this:
Team 1, Rating: 1000, team 2 Rating: 2000, Allow to fight each other? NO because there is a too big difference between the 2 ratings.
What i can check also is the Win / Loose, when a team has won 50 times and not lost anything to give them 2x less rating or something.
Will discus this with henhouse for sure.
Sincerely, Darkgroom
Smolderforge Developer.
btw that's what wintrading means, playing ur alts with 10 wows is another case.Xaru wrote:It's when you play arena but a seperate team (played by you or friends willing to help you) will deliberately lose in order to boost your arena rating. That's as far as I understand it anyways.
You could have also just googled "what's a win-trader" and seen a bunch of explanations.