Luv Gm's
Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 22:04
An example of behavior to others 
Toosh for King x0x0

Toosh for King x0x0

Welcome to the Smolderforge Support Community! Go ahead and register a new account or login to a current one already made. Please post in the correct forums and be kind and respectful to others!
Yet you're back?... Didn't get the message?only4teh wrote:An example of behavior to others
Toosh for King x0x0
LOL nicely worded Toosh ^^Toosh wrote:What Mynce said pretty much, since day one all you've contributed was some copy/paste and disrespect towards staff members.
Grow up, and then come back.
p.s this isn't an imageboard, you can post your unfunny pictures somewhere else
Also love the way you act as if you were the victim here. I've been doing my job, and the job is to keep asshats like you at bay.
Like stated before, this isn't a democracy, it's a dictatorship and I'm the emperor of these forums. Live with it.
Mcrofl wrote:Yet you're back?... Didn't get the message?only4teh wrote:An example of behavior to others
Toosh for King x0x0