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Luv Gm's

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 22:04
by only4teh
An example of behavior to others Image

Toosh for King x0x0


Re: Luv Gm's

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 22:21
by Mcrofl
only4teh wrote:An example of behavior to others Image

Toosh for King x0x0

Yet you're back?... Didn't get the message?

Re: Luv Gm's

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 22:27
by Mynce
- you post absurdly large picture's
- you went trollin/flamin from post no.1
- you think youre opinion is law
- you cant accept youre punishment
- you somehow think you got more priviliges because of youre PVP rank
from a different server
-and finally u think people actually Care for your matter of opinion

im suprised u didnt leave by youreself.

Re: Luv Gm's

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 23:10
by Toosh
What Mynce said pretty much, since day one all you've contributed was some copy/paste and disrespect towards staff members.

Grow up, and then come back.

p.s this isn't an imageboard, you can post your unfunny pictures somewhere else

Also love the way you act as if you were the victim here. I've been doing my job, and the job is to keep asshats like you at bay.

Like stated before, this isn't a democracy, it's a dictatorship and I'm the emperor of these forums. Live with it.

Re: Luv Gm's

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 22:54
by Garrett172
Toosh wrote:What Mynce said pretty much, since day one all you've contributed was some copy/paste and disrespect towards staff members.

Grow up, and then come back.

p.s this isn't an imageboard, you can post your unfunny pictures somewhere else

Also love the way you act as if you were the victim here. I've been doing my job, and the job is to keep asshats like you at bay.

Like stated before, this isn't a democracy, it's a dictatorship and I'm the emperor of these forums. Live with it.
LOL nicely worded Toosh ^^

Re: Luv Gm's

Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 06:19
by Jimsterjimmy
Mcrofl wrote:
only4teh wrote:An example of behavior to others Image

Toosh for King x0x0

Yet you're back?... Didn't get the message?

wait i just got trolled,