How to get Thunderfury
Posted: 01 Sep 2011, 15:39
Hi Guys. I´ve seen some players with Tunderfury and i want to know hot to get this Item on this realm. Do i have to got to Molten Core?
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Those who have it got it last X-mas!Ennomine wrote:Hi Guys. I´ve seen some players with Tunderfury and i want to know hot to get this Item on this realm. Do i have to got to Molten Core?
No, someone tell me if i'm wrong.Ennomine wrote:ok now adays no chance to get it?
OH NO YOU DIDN'T! :OOOOOOFirstaidkit wrote:You can get Thunderfury from the Christmas daily only it's 1% chance you will get it.
TIP: Keep making new characters until you get one ;)! That's the way how I got it. (Only I don't play warrior so I delete the character with Thunderfury :P)
henhouse made a pollEnnomine wrote:Hi Guys. I´ve seen some players with Tunderfury and i want to know hot to get this Item on this realm. Do i have to got to Molten Core?