Too much Alterac Valley

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Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Hmzz »

Seriously, it's way too much. People are already getting sick of it and complain about it all the time. Mostly it's just one big zerg fest. That can be fun, I agree, but it gets boring extremely fast. Another factor is that the alliance is almost always outnumbered right from the beginning, which leads to getting pushed back into the base and eventually losing the game. Now I don't care about losing, what bothers me is that it's taking hours until the game is over.

Also, the battleground order seems to be broken. Right now, as I'm typing this, the Alterac Valley NPC has been standing here for over two hours. Far too long. And it's not just that. Somtimes the order looks like this:
AV -> EOTS -> AV

That can't be right.

Please, do something about this or at least provide us an alternative battleground, like Warsong Gulch.
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Mynce »

there's already a topic about this ... f=4&t=4480

put youre arguments there

second , the cycle youre posting is absurd , henhouse posted the cycle's in the general section
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Hmzz »

Mynce wrote: second , the cycle youre posting is absurd , henhouse posted the cycle's in the general section
No, it's not. I witnessed it with my own eyes. Maybe it was changed.
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Cube »

Hmzz is right. A lot of times there's only one bg between two AV pops. That's 4/5 hours lag filled AV.
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Henhouse »

I made it so there was 3 AV rotations. Two 2-hour rotations and one 1-hour rotation. If you all would like me to actually DROP one of the rotations, I will be more than happy to comply with making these changes. I would only have to see a large majority of people in favor of this.

If you would like, please say so and I will be glad to make a poll on the forums to see what's in favor.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Hmzz »

That would be great. Also, as mentioned in the other thread, ever since AV was introduced, people are having extreme lags. So that would be one more reason to get rid of at least one AV rotation.
Posts: 35

Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Malandro »

Henhouse wrote:I made it so there was 3 AV rotations. Two 2-hour rotations and one 1-hour rotation. If you all would like me to actually DROP one of the rotations, I will be more than happy to comply with making these changes. I would only have to see a large majority of people in favor of this.

If you would like, please say so and I will be glad to make a poll on the forums to see what's in favor.
I like AV, and i think it's a great bg, but it honestly sucks here. I do not vote for 1 of the rotations to be dropped, but I vote for AV to be removed completly. I'd rather play WSG and EoTS over AV and AB. I will probably be coming back within the next 1-2 weeks, and I hope I can start off with some fun bg's. :)
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Pallyofhell »

i rather have AV over eots any day but thats my opinion just really dont like eots
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Bleu213 »

I'm down for less AV. In my opinion replace it with Warsong Gulch. I mean, who doesn't like WSG?
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Tahtah »

I suggest to remove the 2 hour AV and just replace it with an 1 hour AV instead. And I'm still enjoying AV!
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