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Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 00:51
by Henhouse
We've been receiving numerous complaints the past few days about "unfair" play with players multiboxing. I've had several tickets I've personally answered from very unhappy people about how it's ruining the game play and some even trying to tell me it's illegal on retail.

First off, it's actually not -- it's perfectly legal on retail because there's nothing being automated. You're not botting, you're actually playing all the characters. Many people report them as "hacking" or "cheating" but it doesn't fall under any of those categories. We don't have any policy again multiboxers anymore because it's not really been a problem. Back when we were not dedicated and could only hold 100 people I did not allow it simply because it took up player space on the server, which was unfair and lead to high queues.

I would like to know the communities input on this. I understand it is indeed "unfair" when 5 people attack you at once, but there's really nothing wrong per se about it. Whether it's 1 person with 5 characters killing you, or 5 characters of 5 different people. If the community finds it a problem then we will disallow it, begin to start asking all multiboxers to stop and warning them that if they continue we would have to intervene in someway.

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 01:11
by Peekaboo
Fine in my eyes.

It can easily be countered by focusing the "lead" character (and as you've mentioned that would be the same anyway, it just asks for some teamplay), but as a lot of people are uncomfortable with it, I'd propose to limit it to a max of like 3-4 characters in PvP, it still should be allowed somehow imo (unless it gets too complicated to track).
If taken too far however, it could be used to do unfavourable things.

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 06:09
by Hardlight
I believe it degrades the complexity of the pvp on smolderforge.

Multi boxing closes the numerous pvp positions of other players in BGs, where the satisfaction of joining a bg of the boxer is taken at the expense of other player seats.

Multi boxing, i believe, leaves a unfair advantage for players in world pvp (hyjal) for they are able to play off numerous characters while not occupying any more room than one person.

And if the admin boxer were to be killed, his copies would be come useless, thus being a negative component towards team mates....leading to further complaints

Lastly by promoting this idea you formulate a lack of variability of in PVP. (having 5 shamans would = 50% shamans in wsg = 33% shamans in EOTS = 33% (or 25% i dunno) shamans in AB.

I was never fond of it. There's a reason why, you can only log on with 1 character with 1 account. There's also a reason why you can't duplicate yourself 5x.

Having 5 boxers truly doesn't effect the sense of the user itself but having the issue itself lie on the server and receiving multiple complaints truly shows that there is more harm than done.

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 06:34
by Henhouse
Screen shot 2011-04-26 at 12.27.11 AM.png
Got a lot of complaints about just 1 person today. This usually happens for each one they see.

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 09:38
by Balls
I think it should be punishable offense, as the only reason blizzard allows it is that the person actually has to pay for 5 accs if he wants to multibox, and while this is a free server it's just a plain unfair advantage that's ruining the pvp experience just because some keyturning idiot wants to multibox.

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 10:11
by Pcelol
it was gay as fuck on retail and its super on gay on here, cant do much when there is a mutiboxing shaman sitting GY one shotting you as you res

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 15:03
by Sephyront
I agree with Balls, because its rly sux, you cant play bgs normaly.. I think you have to do some thing with multiboxing.. its rly dont look like he is playing with 5 chars, its like he is clicking 1 button and all of hes chars doing same.. argh just hate multiboxing... =/

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 15:33
by Xilience
Multiboxing is fun but annoying >3
(Wanted to make this sentence in 5 different posts) QQ cant post fast

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 18:05
by Firstaidkit
Pcelol wrote:it was gay as fuck on retail and its super on gay on here, cant do much when there is a mutiboxing shaman sitting GY one shotting you as you res
I solod him 1 fear is enough! He was playing alliance before he joined my guild as horde. And ofc I got a few 1shots too but I also killed him a few times if you just head for his number one then he will die. And if you fear the other this is done easily with a silence after..

Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 23:33
by Kontorumyok
Balls wrote:I think it should be punishable offense, as the only reason blizzard allows it is that the person actually has to pay for 5 accs if he wants to multibox, and while this is a free server it's just a plain unfair advantage that's ruining the pvp experience just because some keyturning idiot wants to multibox.

I am playing on Level 70 Arena Server and i am really sux on Arena battles. I play often BG's. If there are some Multiboxer, fun is over quickly.

Some players said, if u kill the main character others will be useless. Not! He can atack with other bots. There is a some program -i wont give the name- for this shit.And i wont find "the main character" , i wanna play BG only. Wont die insta.

Whatever, i can play Multibox 10x characters, its really easy for me. But i wont, this kills harmony...

(sorry for my bad english)