* How old are you: im almost 20 years old
* What country do you currently live in: currently i live on italy
* Do you speak any other languages besides English: yes i can speak also italian and german and chinese
* If so, how well: i speak it good without any troubles
* Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): i was <Gm> on other 3 server 2 pve and 1 pvp and i was admin of a server that failed on like 2 weeks ... nvm
* Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:i work as a chef on a restourant
* When did you start playing on Smolderforge?i play smolderforge from 3 years started on burning crusade then i found pinapple and i played it for 1 year and now pinapple = smolderforge so yeh im here
* Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing:i work well with others without problems
* Do you or have you ever played on retail?yes i played retail on pre bc and bc then i deleted ... too lazy to farm from zero the gear
* If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.) i had all the classes 70
* Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge? because i love to help people and i can do it good cause my knowlage are not bad i have donated on 28 charachters of smolderforge cause i love it so yeah id like to help here
* Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? ofc i have agreed
* Any additional comments you would like to add?if u will accept me i will be happy to all the best that i can
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