PvP Title Ranks

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PvP Title Ranks

Post by Henhouse »

The honorable kills need for each title are as follows. Once you reach a new rank, you are automatically granted that title and auto-replaced and removing the previous one.

Updated: May 3rd, 2012.

Alliance / Horde Titles
- Honorable Kills

Private / Scout
- 50
Corporal / Grunt
- 100
Sergeant / Sergeant
- 250
Master Sgt. / Senior Sgt.
- 500
Sergeant Major / First Sergeant
- 750
Knight / Stone Guard
- 1,000
Knight-Lieutenant / Blood Guard
- 2,500
Knight-Captain / Legionnaire
- 5,000
Knight-Champion / Centurion
- 7,500
Lieut. Commander / Champion
- 10,000
Commander / Lieutenant General
- 12,500
Marshal / General
- 15,000
Field Marshal / Warlord
- 17,500
Grand Marshal / High Warlord
- 20,000
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