3v3 tournie maybe?

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Posts: 27

3v3 tournie maybe?

Post by nicklamot »

Can any Gm or henhouse hesself start a 3v3 fun tournie no rewards needed ? req s2 like the tournie realms from blizzard :D could be fun ^^ only t5/s2 so no donors no OP gear just the rules of tournie blizzard always use ????

i think it could be Very funny and Lot's of ppl will enjoy doing this so flames then about damn donors so op QQ and all the shizzle

Maybe Rewards could be a special mount costum mount maybe? realy dont care just wont 3v3 blizzlike tournie !! :( :(
Posts: 320

Re: 3v3 tournie maybe?

Post by Antique »

yeah sure...not

we've got pop of like what 120-150 people?now imagine half of those will actually play on the 3v3 realm

dont think its enough
Posts: 27

Re: 3v3 tournie maybe?

Post by nicklamot »

i dont mean new realm i mean just 1day ppl sign for a 3v3 play in s2/t5 gear and go arena
Posts: 320

Re: 3v3 tournie maybe?

Post by Antique »

and how is this going to happen?
Posts: 40

Re: 3v3 tournie maybe?

Post by Smoke »

I believe, the idea in itsself is very good indeed. I am afraid to say, however, it is impossible at our current state. While being fun for the players (no doubt there, I'd love it), it would also mean masses of developement work for just, say, 1 week of tournament, where its very likely that no more than 40-50 people turn up to. Before organizing tournaments such as the ones you speak of, we will need a much larger population and development - team.

Though it does not look all to good now, I have faith that one day, this will definitely be spoken off again. And the day that happens will be the day where we get around 200er population with all the major issues at hand, fixed.

Yet, keep dreaming and its no problem posting these on the forums.
Smoke - Resto Shaman, Tauren
Racialabuse - Arms Warrior, Gnome
Otherside - ShS Rogue, Human
Smokes Smoking Suggestions

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein
Posts: 116

Re: 3v3 tournie maybe?

Post by Haymaker »

I am the hero that this server deserves...
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