Staff's behaviour

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Staff's behaviour

Post by shokouh »

Dear @henhouse,
I've never played on your server but when I checked the forum and searched word "Iran" to find out why Iranian IPs are blocked, realized that you're a racist dickhead. GO FUCK YOURSELF with your dead server. (Anyway if you'd been molested by an Iranian in your childhood I'm not sorry since you deserved that)
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Re: Staff's behaviour

Post by ZatYo »

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Re: Staff's behaviour

Post by Henhouse »

Not sure what you're referring to, perhaps this post? ... ran#p45111

If so, we used to have countless issues with fly/speedhackers back in 2011-2012 and there was a common trend that they often always came from Iran. No one had static IPs, so within 1 day of getting banned they came back, opened 500 tickets not understanding why they were banned begging us to reopen their accounts. Times this by like 20 people a week, and it was chaos. So yeah, we were a bit annoyed back then. I wouldn't take what I wrote 8 years ago super seriously anymore...

But if you think we blocked Iranian IPs you're super mistaken, we haven't done that at all, Iran's own government, if I recall correctly, cracked down on a lot of things around that time period and people have had issues connecting ever since.

But I apologize if any of my comments back then seems rude. I was a lot younger, and significantly more immature back then anyway, so I am sorry. The downside of having 12 year old forums are that there are a great many embarrassments to be found searching...
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Re: Staff's behaviour

Post by Akeno »

Wow, I remember when this happened.
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Re: Staff's behaviour

Post by Wayne »

I like the staff here. Seems friendly.
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