Libram/Weapon Swapping

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Libram/Weapon Swapping

Post by Extra »

Hey Henhouse this is Macduff/Moctezuma/Extraordinarii,

longstanding player of this server, who is intersted in returning with my old smolderforge friends. If you remember I helped beta test Scarlet Citadel and helped Exsurgo create Malkirius the Defiler (dragon in Azhara). I'm trying to get my old buddy Exsurgo/Goosebump and Eradico back to the server, but I notice that you have restricted Libram swapping/Weapon swapping again after this was originally reneabled after public consultation. This is inconsistent with the design philosophy of the server. On live at this stage in development this was a feature that was enabled.

From what I recall the Libram swapping code was directly linked to weapon swapping code, a conditional statement that prevented swaps being performed when in combat or when casting a spell. I think one of your developers itslovelol (who played an undead rogue) who I disagreed with over many design decisions, reverted the original change because he felt that there were not sufficent numbers of rogues and warriors at the highest level of arena. This also went along with Warlock pets etc, but I digress.

The previous developers did a really great job forging a comprimise between gameplay balance, class diversity and Blizz like values. Can you please reinstitute the changes created by Exsurgo to restore Smolderforge to it's previous iteration.

Thanks man.
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Re: Libram/Weapon Swapping

Post by ZatYo »

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Re: Libram/Weapon Swapping

Post by Oldsalt »

Hi there,

If I remember correctly, the way it worked on SF (and I assume, 99% of the servers back then) was:
- letting you switch a weapon or a relic in combat without leading to a GCD so you could simply use a /equip x; /cast y macro.
It never has been like that during TBC, swapping weapons or relics in combat always led to a GCD
- not letting you switch a weapon or a relic while casting.
it was possible to switch weapons or relics while casting on TBC. With 2.4.3 it started making you stopcast

So as you can see, the way it was on SF wasn't correct anyway, patch 2.4.2 or 2.4.3.
Which part are you referring to?

(We re-introduced T6 "off"parts and SWP btw)
Retired Game Master.
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