Interface Question

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Posts: 107

Interface Question

Post by robsn »

hey there !

since i saw the "new" elvui addon on youtube which is pretty awsome i have an question: How is it possible to remove the original Group Frame or atleast get an better frame since all those i tried (bartender, xperl, pitbull, etc .. ) aint working aswell i want. i also tried the script who are to find in google but they are messed up in Battlegrounds for example.

So is it possible to add the remove of the orginial frame on Grid for example ?

thanks for replys

Posts: 926

Re: Interface Question

Post by Wacco »

I have some questions.

1. ElvUI for TBC?
2. can you link the youtube clip?
3. I guess you mean the frame option (like retail) raid/party 40/25/10/5 frames.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Posts: 107

Re: Interface Question

Post by robsn »

yes, elvui for tbc.

yep about the frame option ! thanks for your reply but since i searched alot i dont think there is any better to get rid of it exept scripts
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