The Famous 50 kg boi

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The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by slasher123 »

So folks like we all know the Legendary 1600 druid from smolderforge Timi, i had to share a little story with you guys so we can laught together about this little scumbag. Well why do i call him a scumbag, i gave him an account to play on it, so we can play some arenas together cuz he was begging me all the time to play with him, so i gave him a chance and wanted to teach him how to proper play a "druid". After a few games of brainless moves and high iq plays i decided that this 50 kg boi is impossible to teach cuz his skill cap is beyond mediocre, so i stopped playing with him. After that this little real life looser ( picture will come soon you will know why i call him like this ) got obviously mad cuz i ditched him like 99% of the tbc community ditch him cuz he is just really bad at this 10 years old game. So the kid got mad and wanted to revenge himself by doing what ?! by deleting the gear + the char of the acc i gave him.Now the funny story begins when i asked him why he did that here is his response and now comes the second part i said to him that the char can be restored by the gm but the real life looser had a backup plan I don t know what kind of mental problems you could have to come with such answer but i guess when you are looking in the real Life like this (removed), thats how a real life gangster looks like folks. I didn t want to do this kind of post but this mental retarded kid needs to be ashamed for what he did cuz he had no dignity at all, with all this said i hope you guys enjoyed this little story about the FAMOUS 50 KG BOI.
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Re: The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by Neo »

papa bless the king timi ))
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Re: The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by mirrordeath »

unbelievable that was best he could do, people didn't do this 6 years ago, and today he didn't have any better thing to do than that. It was friend's account and its still a shock that something like this happened
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Re: The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by ray1994 »

Pretty funny :)
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Re: The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by Henhouse »

Removed personal photos.

Characters can be restored, but this will not restore items deleted before the character was removed. What all did you lose?
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Re: The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by timidupeto »

yo dani amazing performance by ur autistic thoughts,its true that i deleted the char and the gear.But does my weight have in common to this? i mean im 70 so what ? idk why neo is replying to this or laughin cuz he is the same... i mean u only cut off a picks that im saying the truth but why dont u say to neo how u insult him? or how u was calling me to boost? and how u answered to this: why dont u play with mirok it will be easier and u said he flames too much.Who are u ditching dog? i never asked to play with u a got the druid then insta respec and played with my main mate in warmane wd. I see u have gains but not a penis indeed .And about the ditching u are humiliating urself dani idk how u can say that when u have in mind that skype convo is still avaivable even tho i blocked you. here are so screens of ur lies And how am i 1600 druid when i clean the floor everytime i face ur rd or dpr? u are funny dude and why u talk about years playing this game ? i mean you play the game more before me u ever told me about AT n shit :D u play this game for 10 years and still need to be carried dont talk about levels of playing cuz u are down the bottom man u cant be any danger to anyone.And atleast i have self-esteem by puting my own pictures in skype not like you hiding from the world behind a windows 10 icon in skype lmao kill urself moskito was right about u are shit and u will never change u never stopped talking about other players that u playing with...about zat mirok neo u are just awesome 2 faced retarded boy but its fine live with urself my screens proved everything here who is ditching who and who is begging who.Thanks for reading this and Neo dont think that dani is ur friend cuz he said alot of thing for you black mamba :) he even wanted to show me ur pictures in night time so we both mby try to find where are u in the pic so peace brothers.
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Re: The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by slasher123 »

I just let this 2 pictures here Timi boi words can t describe how beautifull you are but numbers can 2/10 xDD. And about the reply you made, you had to wait 5 days to come up with this HAHAHA. Give us ur PayPal here so we can send you some Money for Food and a plastic surgery xDDD
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Re: The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by timidupeto »

i just saw it doggy xD and dont offer money when u cant brother u work hard with ur ass for this,dont act like player man we know u rat xD and who is talkin about looklike ingame first of all and 2nd i can accept no insults from guy which in every forum/skype has no character selected or hiding behind windows 10 icon xD u trash bro xD.Get ashamed and bounce biach.
Posts: 3

Re: The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by mirrordeath »

Man you have no excuse, no right, nothing. Ur actions speak for you're self. You can think you might've done something cool, smart, what ever you like to say to you're self to feel better. But you know, deep in you're self, that you're unhappy, ugly, stupid and frustrated. And you're actions are proof of those claims and facts. To delete someone else account who freely gave you premium access, is pathetic act, as if you bite hand that feed you. So you're not dog. Dog is love. Dog is best friend. You are rotten inside. You're word means nothing. You don't think about you're actions. You say things before you think them enough. You take things personally and don't act like decent proper usual man. Dog is awesome. You're underdog. All this i can say from one little action, that speak more of you than anything you might ever say. Think about it bro. And next time, repeat mistake again, because you haven't even learned anything from this. I will provide you new account so you can delete gear on it too.
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Re: The Famous 50 kg boi

Post by ZatYo »

just stop with the pictures and calling each other ugly that shit is pitiful
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