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So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 12 Mar 2018, 18:19
by Zapcraclepop
I arrived back, after a much needed break. Although I believe I should apologize to everyone for the past... Oh I dunno... Three years of toxicity and being a general thorn in everyone's side? For being a worse game master than literally any player before or after me. For disrespecting Oldsalt and Xios daily, and afking 99% of whatever I joined.
I don't expect people to treat me differently, I burnt those bridges to the ground. I understand and will accept responsibility for my actions. I'm merely stating the actions I made in the past will not be repeated.
I'm sure you're skeptical, or just plain don't care/want me back, I get it. But I will do whatever I can to skirt the drama that followed me like BO.
Re: So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 12 Mar 2018, 20:36
by Henhouse
Apologies are always appreciated. :)
Welcome back.
Re: So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 12:59
by Oldsalt
Hello Zap, glad you are back and in a better frame of mind.
Re: So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 17:50
by Comeherefour
Hello and hopefully good bye.
Re: So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 14 Mar 2018, 00:31
by Zapcraclepop
Comeherefour wrote:Hello and hopefully good bye.
Glad to see you again, Comehere. ;)
Hopefully under better terms this go around. Here's hoping!
Re: So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 14 Mar 2018, 13:20
by Deems
Re: So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 19:46
by Xios
Welcome back, and we're good !
Re: So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 21 Mar 2018, 11:20
by Wamboye
being a worse game master than literally any player before or after me
You didn't even make it into my top-3-worst-GMs-list. But the list was contaminated after I've noticed there's a GM who doesn't even play on SF anymore and just ocassionally comes back to find out what it's like to have authority, since he/she/it can't experience this in real life. This made my list pointless since compared to that person even a GM who is 5 years old and hasn't made any legit decision in his life is a good GM as long as he's simply trying. None of the previous commentors should feel adressed.
Welcome back Zap. It was always fun to play with or against you.
Re: So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 23 Mar 2018, 02:07
by Xaru1
Hey guys! I got an e-mail about the anniversary, I'd also like the apologise for toxicity, especially to Firstaidkit and other hordies. I remember when we had the classic WoW server things were so freaking toxic, I can't wait for retail classic WoW and the drama that will follow.
This server meant a lot to me, being able to re-live my days in TBC and to be well known on the server was a lot of fun, even if I was drunk/high far too often and mostly rambled incoherently. I love you guys. <3
P.S. remember SWP/abusing item days? C'mon, it wasn't that OP... It's not like you could one-shot people...
Re: So.. I feel I should apologize..
Posted: 20 Apr 2018, 01:28
by Zapcraclepop
Thanks, Oldsalt. Thank you so much. <3
Guess you lost that bet. ;)