Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

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Posts: 43

Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by Neofin »


since instant 70 Arena/PvP TBC Servers are dead, i dont think opening another AT/NG Server would make People play TBC Arena again. We have to understand that 90% of the TBC/Pserver population is interested in leveling and PvE. Most of the players from other expansions or old retail-tbc players avoid TBC-PvP, especially Arena because its RNG-based and not competitive at all. We have to understand that the Burning Crusade is the first Arenaexpansion of WoW, its like a betaversion of Arena. We also have to understand that Patch 2.4.3 is just ONE PATCH in more than a decade of WoW. On Retail there are hotfixes and patches every few months/weeks. The game/meta is changing non-stop. What i want to say is that we cant focus on one patch(2.4.3) for 10 years and talk about "fixing bugs" and make them "retail like" because back then, retail was not perfect. it was totally unbalanced, bugged and not competitive at all. in TBC you can only play a very few classes/specs in arena while others are bullshit. these gamebreaking facts are the reason most people from other expansions(new players) instantly leave tbc, because compared to other expansions 2.4.3 is pure shit when we talk about balance and diversity.

So whats the problem, after almost 10 years of 2.4.3, to custom balance the things people cry for ages? Ive got few ideas to make 2.4.3 more balanced/enjoyable. What you think about it?


-Remove ALMOST all RNG-based mechanics.

-Remove Spell and Stun resist or make it global 1% chance to occure.

-Redesign Manadrains. Priests and Hunters can drain classes like Retpalas/Enh-Shamans or Shadowpriests in a few seconds because of low manapool/regen. Manaburns should be like (drains 7% of targets mana or something and not numbers)

-Redisgn Races to balance the Undead, Gnome, Dwarf meta:

-Make Humans Racial work like Arena-Eyes
-Since theres no Stunresist, give Orcs something else like +5% Dmg
-Redesign Troll Racial like +10 or 20% Haste not based of HP left
-Buff Draneis Racial like making it instant and more heal



Redesidng Macestunrng so it cant procc like 4 times in a row(for example inner cooldown like 2 times a minute) or Buff Sword and Axe spec for more diversity


-Give Paladins a Curseremoving Spell
-Increase Range of Judgement
-Give Wings +50% Heal or something and dont let it trigger debuff for bubble and bop


-Increase Range of Shots


-Increase Cloaks Resistance from 90% to 100%
-Buff other Specs like Mutilate(for example make Sprint work like Freedom or something)


-Pain Suppression should not be able to dispell
-Inner Fire should not get dispelled


-Shadowform should not cost any Mana, or give them more manaregen or manapool


-Give Shamans a Curseremoving Spell/Totem

-I dont know about redisigning Windfury since its rng but without it shamans would be useless


-Frostmages petnova should not be able to resist.
-Buff Fire and Arcanmages


-Since Spellresist is removed warlocks should maybe get a bit dmg reduction for spells.
-Give Pets something like a bit selfheal so they wont die from SL-Buff.


-Omen of Clarity should not be able to dispell(especially for feral druids)
-Give Ferals something like a bigger manapool or overall lower mana costs for healing and shapeshifting

Maybe some points here sound "overpowered" but i dont think it will change the meta alot. Even with all these changes the common comps like WD/PR/RD etc. would still be top. i spoke to alot of arenaplayers and most of them prefer custom balance for tbc.
Posts: 96

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by ludvigpasse »

pretty sure henhouse wants to stay as close to 2.43 retail as possible even if its not 100% balanced. these changes are also truly radical and most of them probably even less balanced then it works now. maybe try more bgs? atleast there more specs and classes are viable then in 2v2
Posts: 43

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by Neofin »

Lol Dude hen maybe wants to open an Arenaserver and thats my suggestions who cares about your BGs
Posts: 8

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by Ryzz »

i like your idea)
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Location: mulgore

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by Wamboye »

good ideas except the macestun part that would increase rng I mean skill

on a less serious note
so far there are only healer druids so I want to propose some changes to make feral druid playable:
-moonfire should not be able to dispell
-moonfire should have no global cooldown
-innervate should have no cooldown for more moonfire
-travelform should increase speed by 500%
-heals should deal damage instead
Posts: 19

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by paolly »

Neofin wrote:
it was totally unbalanced, bugged and not competitive at all. in TBC you can only play a very few classes/specs in arena while others are bullshit. these gamebreaking facts are the reason most people from other expansions(new players) instantly leave tbc, because compared to other expansions 2.4.3 is pure shit when we talk about balance and diversity.
So, what you are trying to say, is that the others expansions of WoW ( tlk, cataclysm, pandaria, draenor, and legion) are less buggy, more balanced, and pvp is more enjoyable? Because if all your point is based on that, you definitively missed something. ( well, except for tlk .)
Posts: 43

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by Neofin »

paolly wrote:
Neofin wrote:
it was totally unbalanced, bugged and not competitive at all. in TBC you can only play a very few classes/specs in arena while others are bullshit. these gamebreaking facts are the reason most people from other expansions(new players) instantly leave tbc, because compared to other expansions 2.4.3 is pure shit when we talk about balance and diversity.
So, what you are trying to say, is that the others expansions of WoW ( tlk, cataclysm, pandaria, draenor, and legion) are less buggy, more balanced, and pvp is more enjoyable? Because if all your point is based on that, you definitively missed something. ( well, except for tlk .)
I did not say other expansions Arena is more enjoyable, especially wod and legion(what is no fun at all, completely other game). But they are in fact way more balanced then tbc. Since tbc is out most people cry because of gamebreaking rng and weak useless specs. So whats the problem in custom balance an almost 10y old Patch?
Posts: 73

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by Proudmore »

All I saw is " make it undispelable" , remove chance to ressist stuns, give removecurse,
Can't imagine a ret paladin being balanced by removecurse spell, that just an argument,

First balance would be in buffing/unbuffing things, no changing them radically.

The basic Idea is good tho.It will never happen.
Posts: 1276

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by Balls »

"hey d00d, make TBC something other than it is"
The only thing I agree with is that 2.4.3 is a dogshit patch. In fact, it's the worst patch out of the entirety of the expansion. TBC would be already be infinitely better running on a much earlier patch.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 462
Location: mulgore

Re: Custom Balance TBC Arena-Server

Post by Wamboye »

I'd say it's pretty balanced. There's not a single unbeatable 2v2 setup and without swp gear BGs and open PVP are pretty balanced too. You have to understand that balance in WoW (probably in all Blizz games) doesn't actually mean classes are balanced and perform similar, to blizz balance is like the paper, rocks and scissors game. For example a lock setup might be invincible vs pala/war but at the same time instant-lose every single game against Meleecleave. They would call that balanced. Is it balanced in reality? No, but if you want ACTUAL balance then you can't even have different classes - classes and specs are designed to have advanteges and disadvantages against specific other classes/specs. The fact that in TBC there is/was a lot of diversity in terms of arena teams (2s aswell as 3s) means this expansion is pretty balanced. PvP in WoW was never intended to be fair though, that's why anything but PvP noticeably improved over >more then 10 years<.

Can you improve TBC with slight adjustments? I think so. That's exactly what Blizzard would have done, if they spent some time on it instead of tricking the players into buying another expansion. Balance? Probably not, but there will never be balance anyway and the best you could do is improve the game towards that goal.

Was TBC the best PvP expansion? Yes. Because back then PvP became serious for the first time (before that PvP was barely serious other than some guild vs guild BGs and open PvP) and the game itself was relevant. People invested entire years of playtime on just ONE of their characters to perfect their skills and strategies. At this time WoW was one of the most competitive computer games out there and this meant that you had a an endless amount of players trying to get to the top 1% of their server. WoW has no potential for Esports anymore as far as I'm concerned. Since PvP was never the main focus of WoW I think that during the first big improvement/change to PvP, which was TBC, PvP might have had the most priority compared to all other expansions. I don't know how much time they invested into balancing 2.4.3 but I can assure you it wasn't to much, and like I said imo it's pretty balanced. Imagine what they could have done if they put in more effort and imagine how much harder it is to balance retail now with ~3 more classes and over 9000 new spells. Also the priorities have changed into making the game more casual-friendly and so on.
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