spell distance

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spell distance

Post by emolol »

can u fix distances of physical scream and holy nova on priests ?
it looks like fear has 3-4 yards of range ( even less then auto attacks or kidney shots/harmsrting for example) and holy novas /arcane explosions on mage too has impossible range around 15 yards already ( u can easy check it with animation of holy nova cuz u got heal in like 5 more yards from animation of skill yet . same thing with damage from arcane exploisons of mage )
btw ,if u fear target he shoudnt run away for million ranges from u cuz ppl in fear must run around zone of fear for like 8 seconds
Posts: 785

Re: spell distance

Post by ZatYo »

Im saying fix fear since yearsssssssss. Theres this bug I dont know how it works but sometimes when u jump and in mid air u are literally hugging your opponent and press fear the fear doesnt hit him. But even without that the fear range is way too low compared to all the other servers i've played. And your target goes to africa that is gamebreaking sometimes. It also can break from stuff like r1 dot aka from 20 dmg... fear is bugged in all possible aspects.
About holy nova. I've tested range in tanaris and it seems ridiculous but when I enter arena it seems normal, I never did some crazy holy nova in arena. And with sf mechanics most of the time when I holy nova a rogue I still get a sap or whatever opener.
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Location: Spain

Re: spell distance

Post by mirok »

Ye, i reported that fear bug last summer but they didn't listen. I do believe mage nova has the problem.

Moreover, Mage pet is attacking in sheep, priest pet is breaking saps/blinds, warlocks pets attack you when you vanish, pets see you from 1000 yards when you go into sealth. I was even playing some duels yesterday and warrior was attacking me in block and i was recieving dmg. Idk, many bugs they won't get fixed i believe.

Related to the nova into sap I think it's because you don't enter in combat immediately after you use your spell, it has kind of delay. It happens to every physical spells as well like cs, gouge ks.
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