Hi , unban ruuren myb

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Location: mulgore

Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by Wamboye »

Hi can pls unban ruuren for no reason?
If you don't I will report your server to the FBI.
You should be careful about your next step.

@staff, I know I'm getting more and more annoying with these unban appeals and I just want you to know that I will never stop creating these topics and talking about these subjects.

some ideas for our server:

We need:
Staff members
developers, 1-2 GMs

Things to attract more players
TBC is dead but there are servers with lots of population around and we should steal players from them

Things to increase activity
We could use a brainstorming here, just some ideas: Open PvP, Xfac BGs, improving solo que or introducing solo que BGs like random 5vs5 matches which give honor or something like this, another idea is fixing PvE or making PvE easier

Unbans for people who could benefit the server in any way
If retail GMs didn't hand out perma bans over bullshit, why would a server with a low population do that, no you're not cleaning the community and making it more attractive, the only ones who preffer no LFG activity to some toxic activity are those who aren't going to play here for long
It's the internet and you can't change it, the only thing you can do to solve this problem is age restricting SF to 18+, this way you're making sure no sensible kids have to deal with internet conversations.

Insert more ideas here
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Posts: 2015

Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by Firstaidkit »

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
Follow me at http://twitch.tv/firstaidkitsmolderforge for PvP and good music!
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Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by Apuclevercow »

Last edited by Apuclevercow on 30 Mar 2017, 14:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 2015

Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by Firstaidkit »

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
Follow me at http://twitch.tv/firstaidkitsmolderforge for PvP and good music!
Posts: 462
Location: mulgore

Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by Wamboye »

Great Image

But Apu and me are different persons and to take legal actions against terrorists who ban innocent people isn't the same as threatening to commit suicide.

Go to sleep now you already achieved your 200k hks and we are all super excited and proud of you.
Posts: 8

Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by TonytheTiger »

This server really went to shit.
Posts: 48

Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by Kremu »

Posts: 95

Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by maikal »

Kremu wrote:How to make SF better :

Remove SWP gear ( as a vendor option ) and open SWP

add 3v3/5v5 back

Stop the mass banning ( for no reason ? )
3v3 rated is back.
Posts: 462
Location: mulgore

Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by Wamboye »

We need:
Staff members
developers, 1-2 GMs

Things to attract more players
TBC is dead but there are servers with lots of population around and we should steal players from them

Things to increase activity
We could use a brainstorming here, just some ideas: Open PvP, Xfac BGs, improving solo que or introducing solo que BGs like random 5vs5 matches which give honor or something like this, another idea is fixing PvE or making PvE easier

Unbans for people who could benefit the server in any way
If retail GMs didn't hand out perma bans over bullshit, why would a server with a low population do that, no you're not cleaning the community and making it more attractive, the only ones who preffer no LFG activity to some toxic activity are those who aren't going to play here for long
It's the internet and you can't change it, the only thing you can do to solve this problem is age restricting SF to 18+, this way you're making sure no sensible kids have to deal with internet conversations.

Insert more ideas here

Posts: 95

Re: Hi , unban ruuren myb

Post by maikal »

Yea, sf need ALOT of changes. Its time Hen ...
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