Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

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Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Mayore »

Akatosh wrote:if warglaives were epic instead of legendary there would not be so much opposition to adding them. for some reason peoples brains turn off when they see orange.
not sure if troll or retard
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Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Cube »

Mayore wrote:not sure if troll or retard
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Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Xaru »

Why are people so opposed to adding them? Why are you guys taking such a harsh side, there's nothing wrong with adding an item that does about the same DPS as other Rogue items but looks cooler. -_-
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Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Cube »

Xaru wrote:Why are people so opposed to adding them? Why are you guys taking such a harsh side, there's nothing wrong with adding an item that does about the same DPS as other Rogue items but looks cooler. -_-
As for "them", because of the proc.

As for a single one, for reasons already stated.

Akatosh wrote:if warglaives were epic instead of legendary there would not be so much opposition to adding them. for some reason peoples brains turn off when they see orange.
And what do you think would happen if they were added? There would be an insane increase in rogues, and apparently that's exactly what's needed.
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Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Exsurgo »

Cube wrote: And what do you think would happen if they were added? There would be an insane increase in rogues, and apparently that's exactly what's needed.
Probably the biggest and most legit reason for them not to be added. Not to mention that the OH Glaive is the best offhand and the main-hand will pull of the biggest possible hemo crits. The MH Glaive has 11.14% higher max topend that hand of the deciever and the last thing SF needs is more random/fluky burst dmg.
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Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Terezi »

I do not understand why these thread pop up every week, but the simple answer is simple. Not now, not ever. See you guys next week, regarding the same request.

Have a nice day!

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Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Mynce »

I hate to say i told you so but...
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Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Carmenlopez »

Terezi wrote:I do not understand why these thread pop up every week, but the simple answer is simple. Not now, not ever. See you guys next week, regarding the same request.

Have a nice day!

Care to explain why? Or are you just going to wave your GM e-peen around and not elaborate on anything? Heh, silly me, you probably know nothing of game mechanics or anything related to PvE or PvP, have a nice day.
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Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Terezi wrote:I do not understand why these thread pop up every week, but the simple answer is simple. Not now, not ever. See you guys next week, regarding the same request.

Have a nice day!

Honestly, they should just remove Sunflare, the hunter bow, and all other SWP weapons. Because, as long as they exist, this argument will never fucking end. Welcome, by the way Terezi. I hope you brought some Advil, these little shits will probably give you a headache.

Edit: I enjoyed my flight lessons yesterday... I'll remember to put my parachute cloak on next time I go plummeting to the mall at terminal velocity... I think winterspring caught some of shrapnel from my ass hitting the ground from that height. XD
Last edited by Zapcraclepop on 26 Sep 2012, 01:37, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1360

Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth

Post by Mynce »

Carmenlopez wrote:
Terezi wrote:I do not understand why these thread pop up every week, but the simple answer is simple. Not now, not ever. See you guys next week, regarding the same request.

Have a nice day!

Care to explain why? Or are you just going to wave your GM e-peen around and not elaborate on anything? Heh, silly me, you probably know nothing of game mechanics or anything related to PvE or PvP, have a nice day.
Read Riski's post gm's already explained this.
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