Server Changelog -- Updated 19 November 2017

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Server Changelog -- Update May 3rd, 2014

Post by Henhouse »

May 3rd, 2014:
  • Large mall redesign! We've added a significant amount of missing items and shifted around a lot of NPCs. Read the changes below for a list of changes.
  • Two new gear vendors have been introduced into the mall! We now have a Black Temple & Mount Hyjal gear vendor and Shattrath items vendor. These will be next to the Tier 6 vendor in the mall. Check them out! We would like to place emphasis on more T6-level PvE gear as we are going to start making alterations to Sunwell-gear dependency soon.
  • Non-Tier 6 set pieces have been removed from the Tier 6 vendor and moved to the new NPCs.
  • Added missing Vindicator's Pendant of Reprieve and Vindicator's Pendant of Subjugation were added to Lieutenant Tristia.
  • Added missing Vengeful Gladiator's Grimoire to S3 vendor.
  • Added missing Brutal Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow to the donor mall S4 vendor.
  • Rebuilt trinket vendor. Added Figurine of the Colossus. Removed useless trinkets.
  • Rebuilt relic vendor and added 2 shaman and 2 druid missing relics.
  • Rebuilt neck vendor and fixed the prices. Removed useless necks.
  • Removed useless S1 "Gladiator" weapons from item vendors in the mall.
  • Removed 50 dps shells, added 53 dps shells. YOU MAY NEED TO CLEAR CACHE TO SEE THE REPUTATION REQUIREMENT GO AWAY!
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Server Changelog -- Update May 11th, 2014

Post by Henhouse »

Update May 11th, 2014:
  • Hunter training abilities have been fixed. Hunters may now fully train their pets correctly. The following abilities that were missing have been added to Hunter's training page:
    • Bite
    • Charge
    • Claw
    • Cower
    • Dash
    • Dive
    • Fire Breath
    • Furious Howl
    • Gore
    • Lightning Breath
    • Poison Spit
    • Prowl
    • Scorpid Poison
    • Screech
    • Shell Shield
    • Thunderstomp
    • Warp
  • Carrion Bird, Owl, Gorilla, and Turtle were added to the Hunter trainer, replacing Bird, Stalker, Spider and Nether Ray
  • Added Affliction and Destruction templates to the template NPC
  • The Balance, Frost, and Retribution templates received updates and fixes based on new items added to the mall in the last change.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Server Changelog -- Update May 11th, 2014

Post by Henhouse »

Update June 1st, 2014:
  • Arena season 20 has ended. With the start of 21, we have completely redesigned the way arena will work in the future of Smolderforge. This includes, new rules, criteria, and rewards. Please review these here.
  • A Thrown weapons vendor has been added to the mall.
  • New arena title system added which will handle the expiration of titles after seasons go by. See more information in the arena changes link above.
  • An exploit with being able to drink and regenerate mana while in Druid's travel form or Shaman's ghost wolf has been fixed.
  • We've revised some of our automatic hacking detection in BGs and you should be noticing significantly less of them lately.
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Server Changelog -- Update July 21st, 2014

Post by Henhouse »

Update July 21st, 2014:
  • Tier 6 is now the main tier of PvE. All Sunwell gear has been removed from players, including the bracers and belts of the Tier 6 set. The boots will remain, despite being from Sunwell. Because of all the removal, we have mailed every player in the game a compensation package containing 100 Badges of Justice, 40 Marks of Honor (10 of each BG), 7 transmog tokens, and Speedy the Turtle pet! We understand this may not fully compensate everyone, but we hope that it is a nice help.
  • Hyjal PvP zone has reopened! Our legacy world PvP zone has been heavily requested by users to come back! We have reworked the quests, added some new ones and added flying zeppelin graveyards that you may parachute down from, or take a portal down to the base from! This is to prevent graveyard farming. Honorable kills are now possible here again!
  • The 250k honorable kill cap has been lifted.
  • Scarlet Citadel's loot tables have been appropriately adjusted to the new loot. There is now a 1% chance drop on the Fiery Warhorse mount at the end of the raid.
  • Tier 6 set pieces now cost 20 more badges. This is due to over the many years the inflation of Badges of Justice, as well as the recent changes with the removal of SWP gear. Bracers and belts are no longer available.
  • Tier 5 vendor has been cleaned up containing only the set pieces. Offset pieces have been moved to a new TK & SSC vendor.
  • You may now convert Sunmotes to Heart of Darkness at the Shattrath profession areas.
  • Season 4 helms lowered to 1110 arena points (down from 2250)
  • Season 4 boots lowered to 675 arena points (down from 2250)
  • Rocket Boots Xtreme (Lite) are no longer possible to use in arena. This was part of the official 2.4.3 patch.
  • It is no longer possible to use the WHO list while in arena, this is to combat knowing your enemy team before the match begins.
  • AddOns such as TF Scoreboard that display who you are fighting against in arena before the match begins will no longer work. The client-side API that retrieves that data has been blocked for arena (blizz-like fix).
  • Liron now properly carries [Timeless Shell] bullets instead of [The Sarge's Bullet].
  • Teleports to Hyjal and Azshara Crater are now instant.
  • An anvil has been added to the Shattrath profession areas and a mailbox to the Quel'Danas profession area.
  • The donor mount, [DNT] Test Mount is no longer a bird, but switches randomly between a Shadowhorn Stag and a Moongraze Stag and is now a 100% mount (ignore the 60% tooltip, it's really 100!)
  • The slow-fall donor mount, Chromatic Mount has been disabled and removed from all players. We feel it is finally time to remove this spell from players as it is extremely large and gives an unfair advantage.
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Server Changelog -- Update July 27th, 2014

Post by Henhouse »

Update July 27th, 2014:
  • Arena rating calculations have been slightly tweaked. You will notice more rewarding rating for winning against higher teams, and less punishment for losing. It is also no longer possible to gain nothing from winning a match.
  • All arena match data is now being recorded into our database. We have plans in the future to integrate a match history feature onto the website.
  • Scarlet Citadel bosses have had their spell resistances significantly lowered. This should make the raids easier for casters. Remember that all SWP weapons still drop from Scarlet Citadel!
  • Snake Trap has now been fixed for Hunters!
  • Arena spectators may now communicate via whispers, guild, group, channels, etc. while spectating; however, they are not allowed to whisper anyone that is currently in arena.
  • We have disabled cross-faction chat while in a battleground. We think players should be focusing on the fight with their faction and not bash-talking enemy players while fighting. Public communication channels, guilds, groups, whispers, etc. are all still accessible cross-faction while in a battleground. Only /say and /yell have been affected.
  • Players will now correctly lose their drink aura when entering combat and not taking damage. Eg: Dispel Magic, Flare, etc.
  • Hunter spell, Intimidation now correctly shares diminishing returns with other stun spells.
  • Pets in defensive stance will no longer automatically attack their owner's victim. This feature was not added until 3.0.2. Pets in defensive stance will still attack if their owner is attacked.
  • Gnomish Net-o-Matic is no longer allowed to be used in arena.
  • Spanish (ES) clients can now properly link spells, talents, quests, etc. from their native clients.
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Server Changelog -- Update October 7th, 2014

Post by Henhouse »

Update October 7th, 2014:

Some of these updates have been released already.
  • Legendary Transmog has been released for arena and non-arena!
  • A new race change NPC has been added to the mall. Race changing is no longer a manually requested service -- players can now donate a smaller fee ($4) to purchase a race change in-game. Additionally, you may use vote points to redeem this service as well. Free rename & gender swap included.
  • Gender swapping is now able to be donated for ($1) and also redeemed with vote points.
  • Combat expiration is now 5 seconds, down from 6. Based on sufficient evidence, it has been determined combat during the 2.4.3 game was 5 seconds.
  • Reduced the speed and delay implementations for interrupt spells.
  • Figurine - Shadowsong Panther has been fixed and re-enabled.
  • Tidal Charm & Linken's Boomerang can no longer be used in arena.
  • Issues with personal rating not granting the same amount of new rating calculations has been fixed.
  • Players can no longer lose more than 24 rating if they lose in arena, down from 30.
  • Players will always gain at least 3 rating from a win in arena.
  • Fixed issue with haste rating calculations.
  • Mail delivering rewards such as vote items, compensation packages, etc. will now arrive within 15 seconds, instead of the usual minute.
  • Players now have all 7 bank bag slots default purchased on character creation. Additionally, if you purchase a race change, no longer will your bank bags reset and be mailed to you.
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Server Changelog -- Update December 13th, 2014

Post by Henhouse »

Update December 13th, 2014:
  • 3v3 Solo Queue feature has been implemented! You may queue at the arena battlemaster for rated or skirmish and get matched with 2 random teammates (2 dps, 1 healer) and placed against 3 additional players solo-queuing.
    • Rating is stored on a default 5v5 called "3v3 Solo Queue" on every player that you cannot leave.
    • Losses are not recorded, but rating is affected for losing.
    • Points are accumulated based on the average rating of the 3 members.
    • If not all 6 members accept the queue, the game will end in a draw.
    • Is cross-faction.
    • Implemented into our existing arena spectate system.
  • The BG Announce system (messages you see with status of queue when you queue) has been adjusted to support the new 3v3 solo queue by displaying queued DPS and Healers instead of factions. Additionally, we fixed a 5-year old TrinityCore bug with this feature... it had been counting skirmish + rated queues together as one for years now.
  • The wrapped present for this year's Winter's Veil has been updated! We'ved added new tabards, pets, and trinkets! There's also a small chance to earn some Weapon Fragments for the new legendary transmog.
  • Fixed a rare issue where if a player disconnected before a rated arena game began, the game would never end.
  • Fixed a faction issue where sometimes NPCs in dueling area would become attackable. GMs now are friendly if they appear there.
  • Alliance guards in Hyjal now finally have the correct stats as their enemy counterparts.
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Server Changelog -- Update December 22nd, 2014

Post by Henhouse »

Update December 22nd, 2014:
  • We've implemented a blizz-like feature where players who disconnect abruptly, alt+f4, etc. will remain spawned in the game for 20 seconds (logout time). During this time they can be killed by enemy players. This is to prevent abuse in battlegrounds.
  • Random spell resists should be fixed, or significantly lowered...
  • Players with a shield or an absorb spell will now be correctly interrupted when capturing an objective.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed some players to cast while sitting to drink or eat.
  • Players leaving a 3v3 game before it begins, or failing to accept queue will be flagged as a Deserter.
  • Hemorrhage now correctly has increased damage with (4) Rogue tier 6 set bonus.
  • Mage tier 5 set (2) bonus aura no longer is removed when a player uses Ice Block.
  • Warlock Tier 6 (4) set bonus now properly increases Incinerate damage.
  • Fixed item Eye of Magtheridon proc.
  • Fixed item Serpent-Coil Braid proc. You'll now receive the proper buff when using a mana gem.
  • Fixed Skull of Impending Doom's active.
  • Rogue poison buffs are now 10 days, up from 1 hour for convenience.
  • 3v3 Solo Queue pop will now say 3v3 instead of 1v1, which also fixes the Gladdy AddOn.
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Server Changelog -- Update December 31st, 2014

Post by Henhouse »

Update December 31st, 2014:
  • 3v3 Solo Queue teams are no longer created automatically on each player, but upon first time queuing for rated. We├óΓé¼Γäóve removed all unplayed 3v3 solo queue teams. This should fix issues with arena flushes taking so long and causing issues with server stability.
  • Players falling under the map in arena will be teleported to the center now within 1 second of falling, and in battlegrounds within half the time as previously.
  • The next arena point flush will now appear in the server information when typing ├óΓé¼┼ô.server info├óΓé¼┬¥ command in-game.
  • (temporarily disabled, will be fixed soon) Players now will start with First Aid learned and maxed by default. First Aid trainer will be despawned soon.
  • Additionally, if a player has Cooking and/or Fishing, it will automatically max upon login/relog (if profession learned while in-game).
  • Grounding Totem no longer fails when spell is out of line of sight.
  • Shaman talent Healing Grace now correctly affects Earth Shield.
  • Soulwells can no longer be used up by spamming the object, and now correctly has one use per player.
  • Mana Feed now correctly restores the Warlock├óΓé¼Γäós pet├óΓé¼Γäós mana.
  • Demonic Knowledge talent fixed. Talent will recalculate each time the Warlock├óΓé¼Γäós pet├óΓé¼Γäós stats change by receiving buffs.
  • Pyroclasm proc should now be working.
  • 3% increase crit damage meta gems now correctly are increasing crits.
  • +12 Spirit and +12 Hit rating gems now have their correct values.
  • Fixed a rare issue were Blackout was still proccing on casters.
  • Swapping weapons now correctly trigger global cooldown. Fixes issues such as Rogues getting shiv procs in the same GCD by swapping weapons.
  • Fixed issue where Rogues could cloak Flare.
  • Stealth and Invisibility spells can now be properly broken on any negative spell ability, except those that are not supposed to break Stealth (Mass Dispel, Earthbind Totem, Distract, Pain Suppression, etc.)
  • Issues with Sweeping Strikes procs have been fixed and now takes the second target├óΓé¼Γäós armor into account.
  • Fixed Shadowfiend├óΓé¼Γäós health and visual aura.
  • Dispel Magic can now be properly reflected.
  • Distract can no longer improperly removed Vanish.
  • Taerar has received script updates and fixes.
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Server Changelog -- Update 18 January, 2015

Post by Henhouse »

Update January 18th, 2015:
  • Blessed Recovery now heals for the correct amount.
  • Better stealth detection when player has stealth detect auras (Shadow Sight) or is stalked (Hunter├óΓé¼Γäós Mark) even if the target is behind them.
  • Flare is now correctly instant.
  • Flare and Frost Trap no longer put the target in combat.
  • Dispel effects no longer work on targets that are isolated by Cyclone or Banishing effects.
  • The item Stormchops├óΓé¼Γäós active has been fixed.
  • Fixed a rare issue where friendly targets could break an ally├óΓé¼Γäós Stealth.
  • Slice and Dice now no longer properly adds initial ago.
  • Alchemist Stone├óΓé¼Γäós effect auras will now persist through death and respawn.
  • Hunter trap radius├óΓé¼Γäó have been adjusted.
  • We├óΓé¼Γäóve adjusted a lot of PvP spell delays to be more appropriately timed. We also have fixed seal twisted that we broke earlier when applying these changes.
  • The boss Broggok in Blood Furnace should no longer bug upon group wipe.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development

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