Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

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Poll: Should multiboxing be banned?

Yes, ban it completely.
No, do not ban it.
Total votes: 153

Posts: 12
Location: Hungary

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Palumtra »

Most ppl call donors "rich faggots" or bastards, while they sped more than 5 bucks during a visit at McDonalds/Burger King/Whatever. Spare a lunch - u have enough for donor mall.

Sure, whining all the time is easier..... (-.-").....using brains is luxury nowadays among some ppl (respect for the exception, and also apply dat to counter-play tactics)
Posts: 3

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Void »

1. This vote was fail from the beginning since MB ratio to non MB is like 1 to 100.
2. Second thing is that no 1 like to be killed, and if funny how people start crying when they killed by MB, but it fine when they killed by a party of 5 random people.

If you will make vote "do you like to be killed?" it will be like 100% "NO", should we ban players that killing other players, no? but its part of the game! ridiculous.
3. There is nothing a multi-boxer can do that a group of the same number can. So should we bun people that make groups? nobody likes to be killed by surpassing number of opponents.

There no difference between to be killed by MB or by group with the same number of people.
4. What if...i with my 5 friends will make group, they will follow me and cast spells witch i say in voice chat by assisting me. This will looks the same as MB and make no difference but it "doesn't break" rules.. again its ridiculous...

and at the ending i would like to say that most of people don't even know what MB is, so there will be always tickets like "CHEATER BAN HIM" etc.... gms just should be ok with it, its their job .

Hope you will make right decision, thats corresponds to sensible logic.

ps. i know my english is not perfect.
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Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Henhouse »

Given the long-collection of poll results we have finally decided to reach a settlement on multiboxing.

It will no longer be allowed on Smolderforge. While it may be easy to avoid, prevent, stop by focusing on the right character, etc. is irrelevant. Too many people are simply annoyed/frustrated by players engaging in this activity. We will ask players that are to simply discontinue multiboxing, if they continue -- warn, and if they for some reason disregard our requests further we will close the accounts of the "puppet" characters. So this should be a very delicate disciplinary procedure.

Thank you for all your feedback.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development

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