What can we do about the foul play in arena?
Re: What can we do about the foul play in arena?
Hahaha more drama here than in Facebook
Kez loves Rule <3
Re: What can we do about the foul play in arena?
You definitely missed Ptaqs unban appealAkeno wrote:I've never seen so many people online on the forums.
Re: What can we do about the foul play in arena?
It may actually, but I am not 100% sure on that, I'd need to check.Lelol wrote: -Make it so the matchmaking system only takes the team rating into account when matching you up against other teams.
Edit: Looks to be that way. The GetChanceAgainst() function that is called when calculating a chance only takes team ratings into account.
Like others have mentioned, I don't think the blizzlike formulas would help at all. Besides no one actually knows the real TBC calculations for rating, they were mimicked as close as they could be and it worked quite poorly on small server environments. Our new adjustments, as was mentioned, are modeled after NextGen. You gain more rating under 1850, you gain more when you normally wouldn't, and you lose less than a massive 31. These all are what caused rating to go from 1-3 teams above 2k, to 10+ teams going above 2k. This helped the matchmaking, and overall we felt it improved the rating system to more accurately portray ranges instead of being insanely harsh.[/quote]Lelol wrote: -Fix the rating gain/loss formula, it is far from blizzlike
It was discussed over the summer to change our arena system entirely to a system similar to 3v3 Solo Queue -- how you are in a permanent single team you cannot leave. Make 2v2 where you group with a partner (not a team) and queue, and your own personal ratings averaged together determine your win/loss rating change. This would remove the recreating of teams, and disallow players to remake teams over and over again. This system would be really similar to the way retail works, for those who are familiar with it. After a lot of debating it, and getting feedback, we changed our idea instead of the SF Tournament system which cash prizes. Unfortunately, that system never panned out and we reverted back to the one we have now. It's impossible to have a fair, good working arena system on TBC with a smaller population. If you change something, like narrowing the rating difference, then no BGs pop, raise the difference and people face teams that are of different skill. It's a constantly win some, lose some battle trying to make it "balanced".Lelol wrote: -Continuously re-creating their teams to get back to 1500 rating
-Logging onto their alts with a 1500 team to try to queue up against a team which rating is about the same as their main's team.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: What can we do about the foul play in arena?
ze^swede https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaP3wKVKkSAPaniz wrote:now somebody tell me what's that second track in the lelol's video, PLS =|
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: What can we do about the foul play in arena?
@Wacco thx alot, lelol already told me that :)
Re: What can we do about the foul play in arena?
Unfortunately I can't read minds, communicate with ghosts or reading private messages, but you should check the group "RAUBTIER" if you liked Sabaton! More Viking than ever.Paniz wrote:@Wacco thx alot, lelol already told me that :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVzPQoF ... QiyR5WLs7y
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: What can we do about the foul play in arena?
not that much, but couple of their songs i like :) but that Raubtier not bad at all :O thx for the links)Wacco wrote:if you liked Sabaton!
Re: What can we do about the foul play in arena?
:DStrongdurid wrote:Apologize to the community Kez you shiteater. I didn't beg you lol. I /w ginvite cuz I thought it was funny. I don't recall the other stuff either.
I'm with this guy. This guy here. Apologize to the community you shiteater.
Edit: Emoticons really sucks ass here btw. Really don't feel like I can communicate my emotions with this shit.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
- Posts: 49
Re: What can we do about the foul play in arena?
:DStrongdurid wrote:Apologize to the community Kez you shiteater. I didn't beg you lol. I /w ginvite cuz I thought it was funny. I don't recall the other stuff either.
I'm with this guy. This guy here. Apologize to the community you shiteater.
Edit: Emoticons really sucks ass here btw. Really don't feel like I can communicate my emotions with this shit.
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