only 1.4k armor penetration and 2.7k ap? poor rogues... swp gear isnt enough ;( give them legendaries plsMayore wrote:i guess you are not talking about SFExsurgo wrote:Also good rogue > good warrior 80% of the time.
Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
I think you guys are all right. Obviously they need to nerf Fear again.
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
2.7k ap and 1.9k arp. FixedSoviet wrote:only 1.4k armor penetration and 2.7k ap? poor rogues... swp gear isnt enough ;( give them legendaries plsMayore wrote:i guess you are not talking about SFExsurgo wrote:Also good rogue > good warrior 80% of the time.
Retired Developer.
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
WTF? Single MH Glaive better than Hand of the Deceiver? Please prove that with rawr/spreadsheet calculations, but it is impossible to prove that because it is pure bullshit. Also, I already gave up convincing people here that Warglaives aren't any op, I even made calculations, but thread remained unanswered, reason is simple, too many retards here that can only say "omg glaives op" without even thinking.Exsurgo wrote:So in summary MH Glaive is far better than Hand of the Deceiver for pvp.
And Hand of the Deceiver is already overpowered and imo should be removed (or just banned from rated arena)
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
Its really not that hard. Work out the average weapon damage for MH Glaive and then the average weapon damage for Hand of the Deceiver.Abwyz wrote:WTF? Single MH Glaive better than Hand of the Deceiver? Please prove that with rawr/spreadsheet calculations, but it is impossible to prove that because it is pure bullshit. Also, I already gave up convincing people here that Warglaives aren't any op, I even made calculations, but thread remained unanswered, reason is simple, too many retards here that can only say "omg glaives op" without even thinking.Exsurgo wrote:So in summary MH Glaive is far better than Hand of the Deceiver for pvp.
And Hand of the Deceiver is already overpowered and imo should be removed (or just banned from rated arena)
I will say again. The MH Glaive is better for yellow attacks than Hand of the Deceiver. And burst is the biggest problem with rogues atm on SF.
I have looked through your original plea for HOTD to be re-added and it is full of false information. ... 7&start=20
The actual stats on an item only matter as much as how the class is able to use them.
That is why Hammer of sanctification is not as overpowered as hand of the deceiver. Because paladins are average healers and shamans rely on windfury rather than there actuall healing to do well in pvp. Golden staff of the sindori is overpowered for resto-druids due to innervate, and probably should have been restricted to disc priests.
So Hand of deceiver should never have been added for rogues imo. It's fine for fury warriors and shamans. It is too late to change this now, but at least we can keep another equally overpowered item away from the class that scales better with pve gear than any other.
Retired Developer.
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
What calculation you craphead, regardless of any numbers its an oversized glowing attention whore item without any other effect (APPARENTLY), everyone and their mother wants to run around with.Abwyz wrote:
WTF? Single MH Glaive better than Hand of the Deceiver? Please prove that with rawr/spreadsheet calculations, but it is impossible to prove that because it is pure bullshit. Also, I already gave up convincing people here that Warglaives aren't any op, I even made calculations, but thread remained unanswered, reason is simple, too many retards here that can only say "omg glaives op" without even thinking.
Math this you moron, now go and autoattack critters for your big numbers, or farm some HK to be #2 after Ezatt.
Contains explicit language btw.
PS.: Oh man, I love that thread, I'm awesome.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
That's not really true, not by any noticeable difference anyway. The thing that makes Hemo unique compared to most other melee attacks is that it's not affected by weapon-speed normalization. In other words, hit damage doesn't scale depending on weapon speed, it only scales with the actual hit damage of the weapon. Hod has 43 more minimum damage than the mh glaive, and the glaive has 45 more maximum damage than hod. So hod has more consistent damage than the glaive, and the glaive has a chance to do a bit more damage than hod, but also a chance to do less damage. This is not where the problem lies.Exsurgo wrote:I will say again. The MH Glaive is better for yellow attacks than Hand of the Deceiver. And burst is the biggest problem with rogues atm on SF.
As for the other stats, hod is superior in every aspect except for stamina.
The problem would be that if the mh glaive would be implemented, there would be a lot of crying and complaining. Both over that both glaives aren't implemented, and also over that the actual glaive in question got implemented in the first place. The same would go for the oh glaive.
Another problem would be that the rogue class would get promoted even more than it already is. There's quite a few of them around (to say the least), and I would bet that a majority of the population on SF wouldn't want even more.
TL; DR: More crying and bitching if it got implemented, less crying and bitching if it didn't get implemented. Even more rogues if it got implemented... and well, guess you get my point, even if you agree with it or not.
Edit: Might also add that I haven't played rogue since season 2, not seriously anyway. So this might have changed in a patch between that point and 2.4.3.
Edit #2: Also...
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
238 - 357 Damage HOTD
214 - 398 Damage MG Glaive
According to wow-wiki those are the damage numbers, so HOTD should only have 24 more minimum damage. So the Glaive should have 24 less minimum damage and 41 more maximum damage. The HOTD does have a nice arp bonus but often a rogue will spec into 2/2 improved expose armour that will be close to the armour value of most cloth / leather classes. Therefore I think double dps rogues will opt for the Glaive if it was introduced.
Rogue healer it would probably be a toss up between the two. Against plate/mail probably the glaive, cloth or leather probably the Deceiver.
214 - 398 Damage MG Glaive
According to wow-wiki those are the damage numbers, so HOTD should only have 24 more minimum damage. So the Glaive should have 24 less minimum damage and 41 more maximum damage. The HOTD does have a nice arp bonus but often a rogue will spec into 2/2 improved expose armour that will be close to the armour value of most cloth / leather classes. Therefore I think double dps rogues will opt for the Glaive if it was introduced.
Rogue healer it would probably be a toss up between the two. Against plate/mail probably the glaive, cloth or leather probably the Deceiver.
Retired Developer.
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
I agree that Warglaives should be added, and that all SWP items that we have to donate for should be added. It's not fair that some classes get Sunflare and warriors get Apolyon and some classes don't get their items. This will make the server more balanced and more enjoyable I feel. I do not think Rogues are overpowered. Let us enjoy TBC as we remember it, with all the items that we had on retail.

RIP "Xa" 2008-2009

RIP "Xa" 2008-2009
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Re: Add Warglaives of Azzinoth
My bad, looked at the updated stats. Either way, wouldn't make a huge difference.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
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