Delay in responses from me

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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Peekaboo »

Seriously, grieving like that is fine? Wow... well, didn't know that, sorry for the inconvenience then, anyway I wish good luck to all of you, I'll take my leave now for good, was fun. :]

Special mention to Hen, who's one big admin of awesome, you won't find anyone as honest as him anytime soon, don't ever trashtalk him, unless you want to act like a retard.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Konar »

Well like I said I'm not sure that's why I only gave them a warning for it. If they use 3rd party programs for it then it's NOT allowed but I don't think they use that since Warden protects us for that and gives hackers a disconnect. So if they do it in some other way Henhouse needs to make a security for it since GM's are volunteers who are not going to monitor this.
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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Oceans »

Peekaboo wrote:Anyway, as not everyone can be Batman, I'll bring up some interesting facts about those screenshots.

1.) They don't have anything to do with crossfaction healing, it's solely about a single faction, and damage, just because healing doesn't kill you.
2.) They are solid evidence to a bannable offense, just check the combat log colours, and the amount of players attacking him.
3.) The reporter gets healed because he wasn't in a duel, the offenders even switched to the healer in that shot...
Exactly, same thing I said in my topic where I reported them. If you had read it you would know this.
Konar wrote:I know it's about a single faction and I already sent out a warning to Toshiba and Lightninng.
Obviously the warning wasn't enough. Because they did it again. Also after the ingame mails I heard nothing about this anymore.
You didn't even let me know that you gave them a warning, you just said you weren't sure it was a bannable offense, I then tried to explain to you what exactly they were doing but you just shut me off.

Ok, you got many tickets and other problems.
But why even bother awnsering them if it's not your primary intention to help people and make the server a better place.
The way you responded to me was quite rude not to mention the grammatical errors it contained.

I had no idea who responded to my ticket, so I didn't know it was you.
But this is the reason I didn't report others on the forums.

From now of on I'll start reporting them here again, but to me it seemed that it was only Henhouse that really reads these forums and as he is so busy.
So I figured I'll just give some names to the GMs, maybe they'll catch them in the act.
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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Konar »

Actually I just send out those warnings like not even an hour ago when I saw this thread.

Also if I ask you to report them on the forums then there is no reason to call me rude it's just easier for me to look into since you can add screenshots or even videos to it.

Your own posts contains more grammatical errors than mine, also I'm trying to help you.
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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Oceans »

Konar wrote:Actually I just send out those warnings like not even an hour ago when I saw this thread.

Also if I ask you to report them on the forums then there is no reason to call me rude it's just easier for me to look into since you can add screenshots or even videos to it.

Your own posts contains more grammatical errors then mine, also I'm trying to help you.
I made the topic before I made the ingame ticket, you obviously didn't read the topic very carefully.
As you still think it is about crossfaction healing.

You tell me that the ticket I made wasn't needed, which you probably din't read well either because I practically put the same thing there as in the topic.

You never told me you warned them, didn't give a sign on the topic either.
And few days later the same guys are attacking people again.
What am I supposed to think? Didn't come across like you were trying to help me.

And yes in my opinion, the way you shot me off was rather rude, specially because I never got to have an awnser by whisper. Only by mail from your end and ticket from mine.
While I was online when I recieved both mails.

But anyway, all is forgiven. You say you warned them, they repeated the offense, whats next?
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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Amgseret »

Why people who arent even good at grammar themselves bother being the grammar police ffs ?
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Konar »

Oceans wrote: I made the topic before I made the ingame ticket, you obviously didn't read the topic very carefully.
As you still think it is about crossfaction healing.

You tell me that the ticket I made wasn't needed, which you probably din't read well either because I practically put the same thing there as in the topic.

You never told me you warned them, didn't give a sign on the topic either.
And few days later the same guys are attacking people again.
What am I supposed to think? Didn't come across like you were trying to help me.

And yes in my opinion, the way you shot me off was rather rude, specially because I never got to have an awnser by whisper. Only by mail from your end and ticket from mine.
While I was online when I recieved both mails.

But anyway, all is forgiven. You say you warned them, they repeated the offense, whats next?
I know but I did replied to your in-game ticket and since I didn't know what to do I actually left it open for Henhouse but I guess he is too busy and probably did not see your topic. Also this is not crossfaction healing nor attacking but more likely to be factionhacking (which normally is done by using 3rd party programs, which you cannot use anymore since Warden protects us from players that use any kind of 3rd party programs).

And your ticket was indeed unnecessary since in the ticket you didn't add a single screenshot. It's way easier to report factionhackers or crossfaction attackers/healers on the forums with an screenshot so that we also have some proof to ban them. Else I could just open an ticket and say Example 1, 2 and 3 are hacking ban them GM, I saw them do it!

I told you I warned them but that was just this morning since you brought that thread to my attention again. I did not warned them after answering your ticket I think you misunderstood that here. I also did gave you a sign afterwards in this thread actually since you derailed this thread so far this is actually your thread now.

Could you get back on topic or reply in your own thread, thanks in advance.
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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Caspah »


You actually deleted my post, where you were trying to correct Ocean's "grammatical errors", where I found one of yours?

Shit dude. Shit. That's kinda sad, no offense
By the way, if you're trying to punish me because I'm not talking about the subject, GUESS WHAT, NONE OF YOU AREN'T EITHER
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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Oceans »

I guess you handled it now then. Better late than never.

I never claimed this topic, it was about Henhouse saying he'll be less available.
Thus we pointed out that there is a lack of GMs, or lets say decent GMs.
And that we should report abuse on the forums, thats when I pointed out that these factionhackers never got the propper punishment or warning.

But you actually just proved my point, you guys rely way too much on Henhouse.
While something like hackers isn't admin material tbh, ok you should let the admin know that something like this is happening, but GMs should be able to handle something like this.
Just as a temporary solution until the admin or devs found a way to fix it.

ps: I also let your remark of grammar slide because I know my grammar sucks.
But i'm not a GM, and English isn't my native tongue, I'm not really trying to use correct English on a public forum, but as a moderator or GM it is expected tbh.
Funny how you deleted Casp his post and edit yours with the mistake he corrected, especially while theres still other mistakes there.
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Re: Delay in responses from me

Post by Konar »

Funny how you keep replying in here while you say this is not the appropriate thread for this subject and the actual problem is already solved.

Anyways I deleted Caspa his post since he was trying to correct ONE I repeat ONE typo I made in my post instead of an "a" I wrote an "e". Wow dude what an mistake I must be totally fired now for doing that. Shall I tell you a secret? I'm also human, humans can make mistakes or typos because I made an quick reply on your post. That's why we have edit buttons on this forum to edit posts.

Also for your information both of your posts contained more grammatical errors than mine and my native language is Dutch.

If you want to discuss further about this I suggest you do this here.
Retired Game Master.

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