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HOLY FUCK... Really? Are all of you serious? Anyone of you that is bitching about this fucking bullshit has never played retail. You never had those benefits, unless it was around xmas. Get over yourselves, christ sake. The amount of bitching out of you pussies is pathetic. I've been on here since day one pretty much, and I have no problem with this what so ever. Get the fuck over it honestly. OMG FOOD MEN CHANGE I GO RAGE ON FORUMS, IT'S GAME BREAKING CHANGE GUYS!!!
Deems wrote:Been doubledrinking for over 3 years, just wondering why its removed NOW.
Someone suggested to make it available to players too, so I thought about it, mentioned it to Chomba and he mentioned how game-changing in the long term it can be and then I realized it was probably best taken out of the game.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Deems wrote:Been doubledrinking for over 3 years, just wondering why its removed NOW.
Someone suggested to make it available to players too, so I thought about it, mentioned it to Chomba and he mentioned how game-changing in the long term it can be and then I realized it was probably best taken out of the game.
The best thing you could have done, is taking it out. If it's such a problem with it for honor/boj, and it's such a problem when it's free for donors. Then fuck it at all.
I agree with some points throughout this thread such as everything being free if you donated(trinkets/rings/misc that require honor/marks/bojs). But the food is just a seasonal item and I don't think it should be in the game at all, though it is not usable in arena and that's all I care about so it doesn't affect me much! haha.
you donated. in all honesty, you should get nothing in return except for a thank you and maybe some recognition.
but really. you donated. you did not buy.