Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Talk about anything here, related to Smolderforge or not.

Poll: What changes would you like to see made to the donation selection?

Add all SWP items to donate for.
Make Thori'dal ONLY able to be donated for.
Add the AQ mount to donate for.
Add classic "legendary" items to donate for.
Total votes: 70

Posts: 109

Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Akatosh »

Xaru wrote:
Akatosh wrote:There probably aren't many active shockadins who actually have a Thunderfury. Thunderfury is significantly rarer here than it was on live. Shockadins are all about using gimmicky melee range spell damage procs to get very high burst. Shockadins are unique in that they're a melee class that uses spell power and magic damage.
You're not going to like this Akatosh but they're going to nerf spell damage scaling soon.

I know that this spell damage scaling was nerfed on live, but this would make shockadins go from being a top tier class back to a mid tier one. This isn't a game breaking bug and its not like everyone and their mother is playing a shockadin. I really think this bug is a good thing for the server as it makes a previously rare gimmick spec viable. In BC ret is an extremely lack luster spec so shockadins give paladins a very good alternative if they want to do damage. Realistically only shockadins are able to fully take advantage of this scaling because all of the procs being used are melee or melee range. This is one of those nerfs that is routinely and casually done on principle since it wasn't a feature in live, without taking into consideration the ramifications. Most people won't even care since they don't play a shockadin. People have a tendency to be very apathetic about something if it doesn't affect them at all.
Posts: 1276

Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Balls »

Akatosh wrote:I know that this spell damage scaling was nerfed on live, but this would make shockadins go from being a top tier class back to a mid tier one.
And how exactly would that be a bad thing?
Akatosh wrote:This isn't a game breaking bug
Yes it is

Get your head out of your ass
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 41

Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Sandero »

why shouldnt players be able to make a donation for legendary weapons? like 4 dollars? xD
I personally dont like legendary weapons tbh but this would be another idea how to solve this.
Posts: 2015

Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Firstaidkit »

WTB Ahn'qiraj Mount
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Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Mynce »

WTB Atiesh


I think the results are clear and wont differ much more,
so onto the next question :

How much would YOU be willin to donate for the Ahn'Qiraj &/or Legendary weapons

Be reasonable.

i myself would say let the Ahn'Qiraj mount cost 10$ just as much as amani warbear.
so we wont see a million of them.
and make the Weapons go for 3-4 $ a piece?

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Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Peekaboo »

Considering that there are usually 30 votes, this poll doesn't represent anything.
I'd charge over 20$ for something which isn't useful at all, just to make those people bleed who think they're special.
Seriously, it would be wrong to see 30% of the current population run around with legendary stuff in the mall just because every retard can waste his daily pocket money on it, this would fend off new players, as they get a wrong idea what the server is all about.

This stuff should be expensive (and even better, NOT available at all), not only to prevent an army of orange crap, but also to let people know how desperate they are to compensate for something.
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Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Henhouse »

This poll was just to see what all sorts of opinions are out there. Peekaboo is right, a lot of people would be running around with them, similar to the debate when we discussed if we ever added Warglaives how they would be so expensive due to their rareness (still not getting added).

According to this poll, there are a great deal of people who don't want us to really touch anything.
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Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Mynce »

does it matter that alot of people would be running around with them ?
i mean its still level 60 gear its not better then most lvl 70 weapons that people already have.
and not only that. normally the weapon would be obtainable. it would be hard but obtainable.
and as of now any Retail method is cutt off from us .
and you got people who won it trough a event (thats ok not complaining about it)
and you got silly s4 priests who .add it to there account when they were GM.
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Posts: 2015

Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Firstaidkit »

Henhouse wrote:This poll was just to see what all sorts of opinions are out there. Peekaboo is right, a lot of people would be running around with them, similar to the debate when we discussed if we ever added Warglaives how they would be so expensive due to their rareness (still not getting added).

According to this poll, there are a great deal of people who don't want us to really touch anything.
10 votes?

Those other two got like 20 votes.

I really would like to have an new mount..

Also a small group of people on the server already got legendary weapons like Atiesh and Thunderfury. It's unfair for the (new) players that really want it because it's almost impossible for them to obtain those. Except once a year during an event that only last for a few weeks. And then the Thunderfury weapon is only 1% drop chance.. (Not that I care just sayin', I only want the AQ mount to be added to the donation page.)
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Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes

Post by Riski »

.adding gear to myself takes far too long. if I wanted S4 gear I would just teleport myself to the donor mall.
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