I don't want to end up between this, but the server itself is toxic. It has almost always been like this, as long as I've played here there has always been an aura of unpleasantness that has only been around here, It's both a charm and a bad way to get new players. It's like the server is non restricted in this matter of rules.
Throughout it's time, almost no one has been permanently banned, Henhouse doesn't seem to work in that direction. The exception I know of is the warlock who DDosed Smolderforge, the idiot who did that retarded guide in Warlock Section. He wanted to get banned after all, he was asking of it, it simply got personal.
Ruuren crossed the line but he got a permanent mute and no permanent ban. For a while he had a permanent ban over him, but he came back, and back, and back. The permanent ban he had was just meanwhile "investigation". He came back under a new identity but the thing was that he was unbanned. It's not hard to spot a troll like him. Permanent during an action is not the same thing after all. His bans was also personally targeted..
Horrorfever's maybe permanent banned now but it all went on for a long time that it just became a pain and personal. He destroyed events if anyone remember that, he began to blog on forum and started to talk about lawyers and all that ala Ruuren style. Henhouse seems not to ban people because they only exist on the server and acting toxic. It all rests with the others as in Moderators.
Smolderforge has existed for people who just want to express themselves throughout it's existence, the server've almost formed around it, drama and trolls. Barrens chat.
Ptaq may not have been the nicest, but haven't really exceed the majority of the server in this matter, he got his mute and because that he exist around arena here and that community has always been like victim or act out on victims because of the trash talk factor. Has anyone got actually got banned for that so far?. When this occurs, it's not without personal influences. Random teams get a permanent for wintrade but not people that are active and known here, that's a fact. That Ptaq has been like this for so long without almost no consequences is just Smolderforge style, and maybe lack of willingness reports. The only people that actually gets banned is the ones that gets reported on forum or through tickets, even here there are incorrect bans, like that mage in WSG as an example.
Smolder shouldn't do this kinds of bans whether it's with or without personal directions at all. Take Ezatt, Fak, Water, Hartun, Osiriis, lolzero to name a few. They all would be banned and the server whould not be the same experience wise or Smolderforge wise, it whould be plane boring imo. Actually whole guilds would be permanently banned.
As in non personal behavior, Passion farmed Hyjal all the time on alts, they had multiaccounts but nothing happened because no one reported them. Everyone knew that Kevvan abused talents and wintraded in arena with friends. Everyone knew that Mosquito and all of you wintraded, but it got out of hand and people started to personally reported it from all directions, it got out of hand and therefore Henhouse had to act. Or when a lot of FAKs guild members HK farmed in STV and just received a small HK reset, Norgenrotten maybe was the biggest name here and he got past it without any ban or anything, but Oko got banned after FAK with more reported him for HK farming. Ishotl was cheating on all levels all the time but was not banned until he got targeted from swarms that he abused, hacked and HK farmed, after that he got banned.
Half the server plays with wallclimb but nothing happens, but if anyone would get the energy to actually care and report someone because of an personal defeat you could probably get them banned.
The reason I type this post is because this ban feels wrong and unfair after all the investments Ptaq have done and survived in the past. It's either a personal ban or a new era for Smolderforge.
This ban is pointed at the wrong direction. But Smolderforge is toxic and unfair so I'm surprised here. You can only wait for GM's reply regarding this.
(I'm not stating that I know everything around this ban nor want to spread trash around players, I just want to give an overlooking statement that this ban is unfair according to past events. I'm not even playing here anymore)
unban appeal
Re: unban appeal
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: unban appeal
DDOS in peace kremuWacco wrote:The exception I know of is the warlock who DDosed Smolderforge, the idiot who did that retarded guide in Warlock Section. He wanted to get banned after all, he was asking of it, it simply got personal.
Smolder shouldn't do this kinds of bans whether it's with or without personal directions at all. Take Ezatt, Fak, Water, Hartun, Osiriis, lolzero to name a few. They all would be banned and the server whould not be the same experience wise or Smolderforge wise, it whould be plane boring imo. Actually whole guilds would be permanently banned.
that's exactly what I meant. let's just take ezatt and fak, these are rager kids. it only takes killing them in a bg and whispering something about skill and they go on a retard rant. is that being toxic? no these guys simply have issues (and unlike them ptaq seems willing to work on his issues). I never ever encountered any case where someone was actually disturbed by violent language on SF. it's still better than counter strike, a bit worse than some other stuff, but overall most of us are adults and know how to deal with let's say difficult people.
the point where it get's really clear that the ban should be lifted is ...
people reported ptaq because they didn't like him and for other reasons, NOT because they thought the server would be a better place without him, not because they were hurt by insults.
now the funny part is some of those people who reported him are FAR WORSE than ptaq. but nobody cares about those unimportant bads otherwise there would be lots of reports against them as well.
When I started playing on SF I had a nice conversation with GM nox and found out that the rules on SF were/are really appropraite that's why I continued playing here. the team let me be myself and insult others from time to time, which is legit because 18+ yr olds shouldn't ban each others for some minor bad language. I got warned and recieved a couple of mutes and bans for my bullcowshit but a permanent ban was always out of sight for me otherwise there would have never been a milk vendor on sf.
So in my opinion nobody should get perm banned for plain insults but that's for the team to decide... point is the guy is willing to stop and I know him he's not like those kids who could never change and who rage for hours if you provoke them. so either way an unban would be appreciated from our community side. and stop the comparsions, ruuren didn't get banned because people who use insults on a daily bases themselves snitched on him, but because he hacked, trolled like shit, is a racist, ruined the fun for some kids, etc.
Re: unban appeal
We are on same page Wambo and Ruuren's adventure started around me, or it at least got out of hand here, he got scammed of an SWP ring by someone in my guild and he started to target me and other officers and he was trolling and being a fuck all the time so we reported him and got him banned. There is a thread about it here somewhere.
Then the trolling competition just got cool and people joined that kind of path.
Then the trolling competition just got cool and people joined that kind of path.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
- Apuclevercow
- Posts: 1349
Re: unban appeal
Horror never attacked the server, it was his brother. yes
Free the cows!Wamboye wrote:On a more serious note
Free ptaq apu ruuren
Re: unban appeal
Smolderforge community, you have to understand that we do not ban people without a reason. Yes a lot of people on this server is being rude & harass other players, we get a large amount of tickets and system messages of people making life threats, being racist, people saying personal things about their lives about that persons mother & father in a disrespectful way. People logging on different characters to avoid that persons ignore, people telling us that they are about to quit because of that player being toxic.
Usually we just give them the advice to /ignore them.
Sometimes that's enough, and sometimes it's not.
That's were we use the permanent mute, and basically after that it's a permanent ban. And it's supposed to be permanent, but Henhouse usually Unban players after awhile, he believes that people change. But now since Henhouse is very Busy at his last year in school, I'm will decide if Ptaq ever will get unbanned(and future players). And now when I still get reports of him logging new characters and him being extremly rude on Skype the day he got banned.
I would say that this topic changes Nothing.
Henhouse always ends up banning the people he gives chances to(ruuren, kuungen & horrorfever), I wont make that same mistake.
Edit; Topic is now closed.
Edit nr2; Happy New Year everyone!!
Usually we just give them the advice to /ignore them.
Sometimes that's enough, and sometimes it's not.
That's were we use the permanent mute, and basically after that it's a permanent ban. And it's supposed to be permanent, but Henhouse usually Unban players after awhile, he believes that people change. But now since Henhouse is very Busy at his last year in school, I'm will decide if Ptaq ever will get unbanned(and future players). And now when I still get reports of him logging new characters and him being extremly rude on Skype the day he got banned.
I would say that this topic changes Nothing.
Henhouse always ends up banning the people he gives chances to(ruuren, kuungen & horrorfever), I wont make that same mistake.
Edit; Topic is now closed.
Edit nr2; Happy New Year everyone!!
Retired Game Master.
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