3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

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Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by Horrorfever »

1st place)
Ptaqx (Warrior)
Crazychild (Warlock)
Turbostard (Druid)

2nd place)
Toezforskazi (Rogue)
Sozyoudead (Warrior)
Miabeast (Druid)

Grael, Awoth, Seayan

Good job on the majority of the spectators and participicants for doing their best to estabilish a peacefull event enviornment, except for few disrupting nerds that failed to do shit.


// Whorror out.
  • Undead Rogue - Expendable
    Undead Warlock - Horrorfever
    Undead Priest - Detective
    Tauren Druid - Quasimoodru
    Human Paladin - Unstobubble
  • <Old but Gold>
Posts: 15

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by Missangel »

Greats for The Winners,

1st place Unlimited xmogs code & S4 code. Each.
2nd place S4 code. Each

Codes will be send via mailbox ingame.

Special thanks for Horror, Grael, Aowth and Seayan.> Iown you all.

P.s : Sorry I couldn't come, Due to an emergency call.
I will make up to you guys next week, There will be another 3v3 events.

Posts: 15

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by Missangel »

Rewards have been sent for all winners,,

Except for Sozyoudead,
Please connect me ingame (Since your name have complicated letters).
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Location: mulgore

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by Wamboye »

would have liked more competitors and stuff.

1st team was dem unemployed turds (ptaq raging around telling me he "fucked my mom", adorable kid needs some parenting from cow) they were tryharding but bad.

saw some decent matches especially the mage/priest/dru team or w/e were pretty nice.
and nobody used free action potion (I miss you ruuren my nigger)

of course the rewards are sick but I think they are a bit to much.

overall 7/10

Missangel wrote:Except for Sozyoudead,
Please connect me ingame (Since your name have complicated letters).
cøws name was Søzyoudead iirc. copy+paste+moo.
Posts: 926

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by Wacco »

There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Posts: 15

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by Missangel »

Wacco wrote:Søzyøudead
https://www.smolderforge.com/site/armor ... er/1654296

Done, Code has been sent.
Enjoy =)
Posts: 5

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by sabbe666 »

The event went surprisingly well, GOOD JOB.
it was nice to make at least a bit change to the everyday activities.
Warm regards from Mr. Xeno
Posts: 1

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by Milan »

Best event eu Keep up the good work :)
Posts: 31

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by corny »

Good Event nicely managed good to see finally some 3s events, and yet it would be great if the admin could activate 3s Rated, since he told me it´ll be activated after a season end which was simply a LIE! ; (

Nice job Horrorbitch, Missangel and Grael
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Location: Poland

Re: 3V3 PvP Event - from players for players

Post by Mayore »

I'd really want to see 3v3 event just as simple arena rated games. Temporary disabling the bracket would be all the assistance you'd need from GM, also nobody would have to monitor the games (consumables and all that) and the players could use the addons for arenas - gladdy and so on. People could spectate and nobody could ruin the fights.

Just make people create rated teams and say which specific teams are supposed to fight now. However, you would have to enable the ques from only one NPC so random people won't que and fuck up your matching.

This would kill the idea of it as /event/ I suppose, since it's simply 3s games but that is dead on SF- you might say its' dead because it's disabled but it wouldn't be alive even if it was enabled.

This is just my opinion on this and it goes to the 3v3 event hosted by Keas himself.

Sadly I didn't see this event, but congratulations to the winners and organizers.
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