>_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

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Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Gandraman »

Akeno wrote:List of ideas for Smolderforge :

Hello Smolderforge Community,
These are my ideas about what i would want to see change in Smolderforge. You may like them or you might think they're completely stupid and unnecessary. I would only like you guys to share your opinions and thoughts.

1. Community :
I cannot for sure say how exactly is Smolderforge's community - whether it's bad or good,but comparing it to other servers - some instant and some blizzlike,the community does need to improve a bit. You guys may or may not realize it ,but the community also influences Henhouse's and the whole Smolderforge Team's work on the server. If the community is bad, if people always trash talk each other and act as if they're super stars,then it's quite normal that you wouldn't be enjoying playing on the server or trying to improve it. You all play here for the PvP and even some for the PvE ,you enjoy playing here because this server offers a lot of unique features. I mean come on,compared to private servers like AT (3.3.5) ,Smolderforge is as much as exciting and can offer much more than them. So back the community . People really need to stop being so mean to each other,to stop trolling so often and to stop building up images in the game. Don't do it guys. Believe me,the situation in AT is kind of the same. Players are bored as hell because a small group of players just ruins the whole fun. Don't trash talk each other,don't offend each other and respect each other. It's just a game after all. Try to get a long and play together. Learn from each other. You all came here because you enjoy playing WoW and you enjoy playing on Smolderforge. And if someone keeps on annoying you then just ignore them and don't pay attention. Because this brings a lot of negativity to the forums too. People do read the forums. People do see them. When someone comes to a new server,50% of the time or even more they check the forums. They see the community,they check the server staff,whether this server is good and worth playing on etc. Speaking of the forums,this goes to dear Henhouse - more people should be active on the forums. I know a lot of players make accounts on the forums,but i don't see more than 10-15 people typically making posts. You have to encourage players using the forums for advice,for help ,for reports and for any kind of question or topic they're interested in. It will make things way much enjoyable even for the GMs.

2.Gear and Consumables
Okey so this one is a bit critical and a lot of you might not agree with me,but i think the whole gear system should change. Don't get me wrong,i love the server,it's the best server i have played on and i still play on. But i'm beginning to notice that on similar servers where the end gear is a season or a tier above the beginner's gear - people start losing interest. It's just boring. Not to mention that players don't even get to experience 1/3 of the content which Burning Crusade has to offer as gear. If players would start with season 1 for example,if they wouldn't have all of this easy access to PvE weapons and gear it would be a lot more stable and interesting. Because right now,you start with season 2,you have easy access to pretty much all tier 5 pve weapons and sets and offsets and that pretty much ruins the whole fun of getting gear. It would be way better if actually this kind of gear was bought with honor points or badges too. To make it easier to explain i will make a list of how i view the gear system in Smolderforge :
  • players start with season 1 gear,offsets and weapons.
  • players have free access to tier 4,tier 4 pve offsets and tier 4 weapons.
  • season 2 now costs as much as season 3 is currently is costing and is bought with honor points.
  • tier 5 for all players now costs as much as BOJ's as tier 6 currently does.
  • All PvE offsets and weapons that include tier 5 content now cost BOJ's or honor points depending on whether you're a PvP or a PvE player.
  • season 3 now costs twice the same amount of honor points it does right now and requires the player to have the appropriate season 2 gear piece in order to be bought.
  • tier 6 gear now costs twice or tripple the amount of BOJ's tier 5 costs and requires the player to have the appropriate tier 5 gear piece in order to be bought.
  • Sunwell weapons are added to the arena vendor costing the same amount of arena points as season 4 does.
  • Any kind of SWP gear is removed from the game except for trinkets,rings and necklaces.
  • Players are not allowed to use more than one scroll (buff) , elixir or any kind of long period lasting consumable in a battleground at a time. All consumables are allowed only for PvE content.
  • A system which scans the gear of the players allowing them to enter a battleground with roughly the same geared players. The system may let players with high or lower gear to enter when there aren't enough players queued.
  • Make things cost more BOJ's and Honor Points. If Consumables are sold,let them not be sold for free.
  • Change the pvp area every few months. Remove dueling there.
  • Create a unique custom battleground involving of only 10 players (total) . A Dota-like battleground with scripted npcs and a goal. Players are divided into two teams of 5 players each. The area of the event must be similar to an area of a Dota-like map. Add custom towers which players have to destroy.Add custom npcs which are basically the mobs of the two teams. Have the towers have a stealth detection eye so no one can pass them. Divide the two team npcs into several classes - a dps npc with roughly 7 to 10k HP , a caster npc with 6-8k HP and a single tank npc with roughly 20 k hp but low amount damage. That way players are experiencing a PvP/PvE battleground and everyone can have a try. Both teams will not only have to fight each other,destroy the towers on their way but also will have to fight with different npcs. You may also add creeps which give a certain buff such as speed,healing or increased damage (the ones from Warsong) for a short period of time. When players are killed they are automatically resurrected at their town/city starting zone. Instead of having a gear shop,there will be a food,bandages,repair,poisons etc vendor only. Players win by entering the town of the enemy team and destroying the main building which cannot be repaired or healed and has 75k to 100k health,but zero armor. That is pretty much my idea. I hope you guys like it. I will add more details to it later on if anyone even bothers on reading this. I think it's possible and i also think a lot of players will enjoy it.

I have nothing to add,it is looking good right now. Specially with the new additions to the server. Good Job !

A new trailer and a review of the server would be a good idea to bring back players and to gain new ones :)
You mate are on drugs !

Well i had to come back to say this. Only thing that is/was ruining the server over moderation. Not the donors, or swp , or community, consumables or whatever. When I started playing here mid 2011, there were no GMs on sight ,and the server was thriving.
First when Wotlk server was opened lots of ppl I knew and played with migrated to wotlk,server then failed and they never came back.
You killed all the fun on the forums. All the threads that promised fun were closed, robbing us a lot of lols.
Then the GMs that ban ppl for beating them in a duel, I mean wtf ...
Honor cap was a bad idea, after that one ppl just lost interest, and you drove away the main server "protagonists". After that one it just wasn't the same.
Hyjal 30v30 battles were epic, Azshara, tho nicely done, newer had that feel (it feels more like a regular questing area).
LFG looks boring too, nothing of interest there.
I logged on Hollow eve , no one was farming the horseman for the mount, beats me why.
Anyway the feel of old SF is gone, and I regret that dearly becaus of that .
If you thought that server with 100 + ppl on it and 3 (+1) bg is about winning battlegrounds you got that wrong.
It was, and always will be about that warm feeling around your heart when you bitchslap someone (with your words, or your gaming).
Overall no modertion is better that over moderation.
Anyway I hope things will turn out for the best !
Here is a little picture from my humble beginings on SF and its glory days :
04:18:06 In quiet contemplation, Henhouse mourns your death.
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
Henhouse wrote:Gandra h0t iirc.
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Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Henhouse »

Akeno wrote: You have to encourage players using the forums for advice,for help ,for reports and for any kind of question or topic they're interested in. It will make things way much enjoyable even for the GMs.
Given the quality of these forums, that is likely why people do not join. I've thought about starting new forums since these are really old, the style of it is from pre-2010 WoW and to be honest, there is just much better forum software out there.

However in order to have a decent forum community we would have to actively moderate the amount of flaming, raging, disrespectful posts, etc. Every time we try to do that now people explode on us saying we're dictators censoring everything and make 10 forum accounts over and over so they can spam resulting in me having to disable registration for a couple of days. If we're gonna have a new community, we're gonna have to have a whole new set of rules. These forums suck.

2. We're in the process of doing an entire mall redesign, and eventually working towards changing end-game gear. It's a long process, but we're working on it. I promise.

3. This isn't even possible. We cannot create maps and DOTA/LoL isn't possible in a game like this. The concept isn't possible. Especially without destructible buildings like 3.x+ has. Not to mention the ungodly amount of code that this would require to replicate.
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Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Henhouse »

Not to double post, but to go back to the community issue:

I agree. Having a great community is what makes a server. You can play on a server with tons of bugs, but if there is a community that cares about the server, that's all it needs. Smolderforge has been fortunate enough to have that for years and years, but every year the community gets more and more toxic and hateful. I don't think there's a way to really fix this without causing people to leave because we would have to ramp up punishment (which almost never works by the way).

It's a tough thing. I haven't given much thought into it, but I can tell that it wouldn't be easy to accomplish.
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Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Wamboye »

Mayore wrote:i wouldn't consider morphing everybody in battlemaster area as event
I wouldn't either. I would consider it fucking awesome.

90% of the players who got morphed into cow rogues and cow paladins (holy cows) were happy to be morphed into a tauren.

To me there is nothing more cool a gamemaster with limited command-rights can do than making a milky evening by morphing everyone into a tauren.

And I played in quite a few nice events like the 5vs5 event which was hilarious and Terezi even gave out items he farmed on his own character (recieps) to encourage people to join.
The 1o1 event was nice as well and ruuren and me had lots of fun even facing each other in the finals.
Only the horde vs ally 40vs40 events seemed pretty useless to me but that was long time ago.

Even the spawning random bosses in the battlemaster area event was pretty enjoyable.

I think it's good to have staff who do events.
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Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Cube »

Henhouse wrote:2. We're in the process of doing an entire mall redesign, and eventually working towards changing end-game gear. It's a long process, but we're working on it. I promise.
Ballsy move. Best of luck.
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Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Akeno »

Henhouse wrote:
Akeno wrote:

3. This isn't even possible. We cannot create maps and DOTA/LoL isn't possible in a game like this. The concept isn't possible. Especially without destructible buildings like 3.x+ has. Not to mention the ungodly amount of code that this would require to replicate.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsIvdLOQUKI not the UI,not the spells. Just a normal battleground with players and mobs,but better designed and complicated. The buildings don't have to be buildings,they could be simple archers or cannons or you anything like that. I shall reply to the other things later on,thanks for your reply Henhouse.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnJ8pW-Q0Sw Obviously these are bad and not at all of how anyone would imagine it,but still. I couldn't find any other footage ,although im sure there is some around.
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Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Apuclevercow »

Azshara crater was firstly a battleground project with a flag system that we had to carry from a point to our base, iirc. It would be awesome if it could be our custom battleground and therefore, removing this area as a quest zone.
Anyway, dota-like things are what some ppl are looking for, but merely some ppl...
But, you're right that a Smolderforge's "makeover" is something which can bring back a lot of players and attract new ones.
Posts: 120

Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Denergo »

I logged on Hollow eve , no one was farming the horseman for the mount, beats me why.
I farmed the shit out of that guy..... And Baloonie... Like 150 times before it droped. for like 5-6 days..
?â?Éenergo - Undead Warrior
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Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Denergo »

And btw, I think that Alliance and horde can talk with each other, that's what building up this anger on the server, that we're able to say like "L2P" "you suck" "f"ck you" when or if someone kills you in BG.

I played on LastWoW for two years, this war against Alliance and Horde didnt exist :S And I think that's why... Now you guys think : MEH DÖH I can just log alliance character to speak with Ally, and Horde to speak with horde, yeah you can. But I think you wouldnt do that later in the future. Just to be able to say some disrespectful word/comment.

I vote for,(testing) to remove that Alliance & horde can communicate with each other. :)
?â?Éenergo - Undead Warrior
Prideful - Undead Warlock
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Re: >_< Server is " D .E .A .D "

Post by Denergo »

And Henry here is a tip, you've had this server for 6 years, staff equially long. Alot of members in your staff, what if.... You enable the .additem command for them? Make them a list of items they may give out for events, Tabard or even badges?.

Enable it on GMs that's been gm for 1year or more, because like you should trust them by now.. And it would just add some more fun for the players that would like a prize after an event.
?â?Éenergo - Undead Warrior
Prideful - Undead Warlock
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