Is Why Im Epic And You're Not.

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Posts: 185

Re: Is Why Im Epic And You're Not.

Post by Aklem »

@ Infuze, im sure you did, in fact yes its not hard i know it, thts why im doing it and showing it and you're not. As sad as it is kid, you still get rolled in arena by me nurmerous times by playing comps that counter mine.
e.G Disc/Rogue vs spriest/rogue

As far as fluckadin goes....we've all seen his picture irl he's obv a dickhead that nerver got laid but at the same time thinks he's very mature and educated(smart comments whut?). Fluck if you want to keep on commenting do something fun like 2v2 vs me and my druid on starnet. I'm sure that will make my day and me and my druid will laugh for a good while.
Posts: 185

Re: Is Why Im Epic And You're Not.

Post by Aklem »

oh and infuze, people dont put it in movies anyore? watch Evisc's latest movie. About 4 deathcoil vanishes and 3 blind vanishes. As easy as that punk. You're bad.
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Re: Is Why Im Epic And You're Not.

Post by Riski »

Aklem... I feel like I want to punch you straight in the face. I'm sorry is that bad?
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Re: Is Why Im Epic And You're Not.

Post by Katmandu »

Riski wrote:Aklem... I feel like I want to punch you straight in the face. I'm sorry is that bad?
catch him on a good day, you'll want to send him a teddy bear with a cute malformed version of the word "love" on it.

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