Lets discuss this once and for all
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
yes outskilled says it perfect
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Pve gear is part of the problem if you are in a team of s2 players against a pve team you will get dominated. And that WILL lead into gy campin
I dont think all pve gear needs to go but we just need to find a balance
Agreed with outskilled
I dont think all pve gear needs to go but we just need to find a balance
Agreed with outskilled
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
fact is a full s2 geared opponent has a good chance of kill a s3 or s4 geared opponent
but has like 0 chance to kill all these full pve geared bursting caster classes makes BG not BGS and more like lets stack pve gear and haste and make ppl rage and destroy new ppl on server
when ur just killing expansion and ppl arent going to tell their friends to come check this server out when they r getting 2 shotted in full resil or being constantly GY farmed
but has like 0 chance to kill all these full pve geared bursting caster classes makes BG not BGS and more like lets stack pve gear and haste and make ppl rage and destroy new ppl on server
when ur just killing expansion and ppl arent going to tell their friends to come check this server out when they r getting 2 shotted in full resil or being constantly GY farmed
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
The problem is that the balance is so hard to achieve, and that even you guys who want people to stop using SWP gear for the lulz have some doubts over it since you all recognize that almost everyone uses 4 piece S4 with SWP off-pieces. The only possible thing that could be done is to make the items cost more, but they've already removed SWP from us before, and a lot of people paid for SWP gear back then and had to farm everything all over. I just don't see anything happening without some backlash from either side. The best thing to do is keep things as they are and learn how to counter SWP players. It's also important to recognize that for balance druids and ele shamans they need swp gear a lot more than any other class does or they're useless. A warlock on the other hand will dominate almost everyone if nobody can use SWP gear against them.
That's the last reply I'm posting. Much love. <3
That's the last reply I'm posting. Much love. <3
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
where on a retail server have u ever seen a 420(nice number :P) resil geared disc priest with full shields up get 2 shotted?????
and ik this isnt retail tbc but isnt the goal to eb as close as retail with still retaining the "fun-server" aspect
and ik this isnt retail tbc but isnt the goal to eb as close as retail with still retaining the "fun-server" aspect
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
- Donor
- Posts: 304
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
I don't mean to offend any one in this so read it with an open mind.
The staff and players alike would benefit from taking a step back opening the window thus looking at more successful servers from the past and present "no names given" and seeing how they have struck gold for want of a better word. Its not stealing another man/woman's idea as much as it is to take their findings into account to use with your knowledge and create something more beneficial, in the same way a scholar studies work of those that came before him.
The staff and players alike would benefit from taking a step back opening the window thus looking at more successful servers from the past and present "no names given" and seeing how they have struck gold for want of a better word. Its not stealing another man/woman's idea as much as it is to take their findings into account to use with your knowledge and create something more beneficial, in the same way a scholar studies work of those that came before him.
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
I know I said that would be my last post but I just wanted to thank Outskilled for realising why I posted that video. He was full resilience. If I wanted to show myself killing someone quick I would be able to do it much faster against a druid or warrior. The fact that disc is so hard to kill and the fact that he had so much resilience was what made it so insane that he died so fast. And my warrior wasn't even sword spec. Dunno how that happened. xD
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Exactly, that's one of the reasons, why warrior gets completely useless in any pvp situation with or without a pocket healer, since you won't outdps any swp caster with his own pocket healer and also you will take by far more damage than him, even though you wear double as much resilience as he does.Exsurgo wrote:Its not resilience. It is melee stacking > 2000 armor penetration in T6.5. It is casters pushing past 1600 spell power with full T6.5 and pots/flasks. The truth is that damage just scales far better than resilience in this patch with this gear.Lightup wrote:I think that there should be some change around haste. Its just ruining the server, theres atleast 2 haste stackers in every bg who only spam 1 skill, doing way to much dmg and destroying all the fun.
I dont know if it can be changed in any other way then removing the gear, which obviously wont happen.
Also if Resil works, why do i get 5.5k crits full resil capped? doesnt seem legit
Not even talking about solo pvp.. however, add warriors "Cloak of Shadows" and we'll be doing fine i guess.. obviously just kidding.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Remove PvE gear?
pff, hell, i'd rather remove PvP gear and make it vanilla_like, now thats fair.............
pff, hell, i'd rather remove PvP gear and make it vanilla_like, now thats fair.............
Mirers gonna mire, mad?
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Remove SWP items only from Donor Mall. I have never heard of PvE items costing honor - that's clearly ridiculous. Make the so-loving-SWP players work their asses off a little bit to achieve what they want. Why should SC exist only for non-donors?
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