QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
I also like this idea, though I do feel that it might cause arguments where people might make fun of other people for losing and cause more drama. I really do think this would be great though. Having SWP gear in Arena makes this server more unique, and there are quite a few really good arena teams! I'd like to watch them play. :D
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
"Having SWP gear in Arena makes this server more unique"
Thats a nice way to describe the balance.
Thats a nice way to describe the balance.
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
they cant add it else they would've done it
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
This is not something "easily done" as some of you are saying. Try to grasp for a moment just how much goes on here. You're not being plopped into arena magically. There's 3 completely different coding systems that go into this. First there is the NPC which loads LIVE arena matches going on in and displays them, then there is actually the "spectate feature" in which you're teleported into the arena, you're not allowed to speak, you're able to run very fast, and observe without making the system wonder WTF did this player come from.
Thirdly, there is the addon which was WRITTEN by the AT devs for their own PRIVATE spectator use. Therefore, not only would it be damn near impossible to get it working with a CUSTOM version of this patch, but I, nor anyone I even know has experience with Lua AddOns and even getting them communicating with the game server. The only reason AT TBC, or now "Next-Gen" has this is because it was passed down to them by the original creators of the feature.
This is _NOT_ blizzlike. No such spectating mode exists in the retail version of the game. It's entirely custom and there is no baseline to go off of. There is a Wrath version that someone made (lacking addon, and is completely different and simple) that is well over several THOUSAND lines of code. I even asked the NextGen admin, Cola, and he said: "Yeah it's way over 1000 lines."
That is insane. This is not something simple or easy, this is an insane feature being integrated into a system that was never designed for it. AT did it because they're an arena only server, it made sense and they had highly knowledgeable developers that developed this feature privately.
So I'm sorry, but this is not something we'll be looking into integrating unless good code was released to the public, or there was a much simpler way to do this, but there is currently not. Additionally there is the debate whether or not you even want to be watched in arena. Some prefer not to have players watching them and whispering them after the fight and pestering them about how they played, etc.
TL;DR: The feature is custom, privately developed by AT, extremely huge and difficult for us to even attempt, and isn't something we should focus our limited resources on right now.
Thirdly, there is the addon which was WRITTEN by the AT devs for their own PRIVATE spectator use. Therefore, not only would it be damn near impossible to get it working with a CUSTOM version of this patch, but I, nor anyone I even know has experience with Lua AddOns and even getting them communicating with the game server. The only reason AT TBC, or now "Next-Gen" has this is because it was passed down to them by the original creators of the feature.
This is _NOT_ blizzlike. No such spectating mode exists in the retail version of the game. It's entirely custom and there is no baseline to go off of. There is a Wrath version that someone made (lacking addon, and is completely different and simple) that is well over several THOUSAND lines of code. I even asked the NextGen admin, Cola, and he said: "Yeah it's way over 1000 lines."
That is insane. This is not something simple or easy, this is an insane feature being integrated into a system that was never designed for it. AT did it because they're an arena only server, it made sense and they had highly knowledgeable developers that developed this feature privately.
So I'm sorry, but this is not something we'll be looking into integrating unless good code was released to the public, or there was a much simpler way to do this, but there is currently not. Additionally there is the debate whether or not you even want to be watched in arena. Some prefer not to have players watching them and whispering them after the fight and pestering them about how they played, etc.
TL;DR: The feature is custom, privately developed by AT, extremely huge and difficult for us to even attempt, and isn't something we should focus our limited resources on right now.
You mean like how they 'copied' our idea of transmog? Clearly they 'copied' the spectating idea from AT too. It's not ATs version, whatever it is they have. Don't they have like 5 players online? Nothing to really worry about there.Occultist wrote:I know only one server which has arena spectacor (trekster) and ppl can accuse Henhouse that he copied their idea.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
- Posts: 13
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
I mean, not to be a dick but its not very hard to execute this, I mean if that's the only reason why you dont want to try this, is that there is to much code? haha. Maybe you should invest time in finding some DEVS or GMs to help because from what your stating you must be understaffed. As for the line about people not wanting ppeople to watch them arena i call bullshit, the only reason they wouldnt want people to watch is wintradding and on top of that they deal with whispers already after BGs or anything pvp related so you cant really use that either, there will always be harass after pvp. I think someone has there finger in the system and dosent want to get caught doing suspicious activities.
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
If it's not hard, then you do it. "haha" I clearly said in my post we do not have the resources. Also, GMs are in-game support. They have absolutely NO involvement in development. Get more devs? Find me the tree that grows devs that know the 2.4.3 WoW Private server cores and I will go pick from that tree. Until then, we will remain with little staff.sushieater wrote:I mean, not to be a dick but its not very hard to execute this, I mean if that's the only reason why you dont want to try this, is that there is to much code? haha. Maybe you should invest time in finding some DEVS or GMs to help because from what your stating you must be understaffed. As for the line about people not wanting ppeople to watch them arena i call bullshit, the only reason they wouldnt want people to watch is wintradding and on top of that they deal with whispers already after BGs or anything pvp related so you cant really use that either, there will always be harass after pvp. I think someone has there finger in the system and dosent want to get caught doing suspicious activities.
You have no idea what you're talking about and cannot grasp the level of work this actually would be.
Call bullshit? How can you call bullshit on something that is your opinion... do tell.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
I'd like to drop in and say something to you sir. You are a fucking moron. Probably one of the biggest on the server to date. Until you know shit about the server, or the staff, I'm gonna kindly have to tell you to fuck yourself with a rake. The fact that I have no idea who you are and never seen you play, makes me hate you even more. It's like me going to Russia and telling them their laws are fucking stupid, and changing them is really easy, I could do better. You might as well just let yourself out.sushieater wrote:I mean, not to be a dick but its not very hard to execute this, I mean if that's the only reason why you dont want to try this, is that there is to much code? haha. Maybe you should invest time in finding some DEVS or GMs to help because from what your stating you must be understaffed. As for the line about people not wanting ppeople to watch them arena i call bullshit, the only reason they wouldnt want people to watch is wintradding and on top of that they deal with whispers already after BGs or anything pvp related so you cant really use that either, there will always be harass after pvp. I think someone has there finger in the system and dosent want to get caught doing suspicious activities.
I am the hero that this server deserves...
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
Cola from NextGen read this post and messaged me in Skype:
[2/15/13 1:56:25 AM] John -ffffff: "Additionally there is the debate whether or not you even want to be watched in arena. Some prefer not to have players watching them and whispering them after the fight and pestering them about how they played, etc."
[2/15/13 1:56:29 AM] John -ffffff: This is so true.
[2/15/13 1:56:37 AM] John -ffffff: It creates a MASSIVE amount of drama.
[2/15/13 1:57:09 AM] John -ffffff: LFG going wild with shit like "omfg X you're fucking bad how did you fail that sap??" all the time.
[2/15/13 1:58:07 AM] John -ffffff: I've had a LOT of players personally ask me to create an option which would allow them to turn spectating off; making it so that they can't be spectated.
Cola from NextGen read this post and messaged me in Skype:
[2/15/13 1:56:25 AM] John -ffffff: "Additionally there is the debate whether or not you even want to be watched in arena. Some prefer not to have players watching them and whispering them after the fight and pestering them about how they played, etc."
[2/15/13 1:56:29 AM] John -ffffff: This is so true.
[2/15/13 1:56:37 AM] John -ffffff: It creates a MASSIVE amount of drama.
[2/15/13 1:57:09 AM] John -ffffff: LFG going wild with shit like "omfg X you're fucking bad how did you fail that sap??" all the time.
[2/15/13 1:58:07 AM] John -ffffff: I've had a LOT of players personally ask me to create an option which would allow them to turn spectating off; making it so that they can't be spectated.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
- Posts: 13
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
Didnt mean to offend, but a bit rash I must say, cheers to your anger in the future friend.Haymaker wrote:I'd like to drop in and say something to you sir. You are a fucking moron. Probably one of the biggest on the server to date. Until you know shit about the server, or the staff, I'm gonna kindly have to tell you to fuck yourself with a rake. The fact that I have no idea who you are and never seen you play, makes me hate you even more. It's like me going to Russia and telling them their laws are fucking stupid, and changing them is really easy, I could do better. You might as well just let yourself out.
on another note henhouse
I didn't say GMs had anything to do with a Devs job.... and they're are plenty of way to obtain this code without having to write it yourself. This was my two cents if you dont like, then thats ok. Im not trying to cause any kind of rash behavior right now, just trying to help if I find the code I will send you any info I can come up with.
Re: QUESTION: Adding arena spectator NPC?
calls henhouse reasons bullshit
claims to not want drama or conflict
who is this guy anyway
claims to not want drama or conflict
who is this guy anyway
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