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Post by Stunfun »

Henhouse wrote:Maybe I should have made it a free Wrathful server. That would have brought people in. lol...
That would be awesome!
BUT it wouldnt help much.. People wont play if theres none to play with..
The solution would be to host some kind of huge event that brings people there. When there is many playing, more will stay.

You have to agree playing on a server with 3 players peak is really really boring.
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Post by Firstaidkit »

Henhouse wrote:
Imperium wrote:I'm not even sure why the server is so dead. The opening was awesome, the setup is awesome. Had over 100 people for the opening.
Maybe I should have made it a free Wrathful server. That would have brought people in. lol...
Then I wouldn't even have given it a try.

If you started rotating the bg's from the release then maybe the bg's started and maybe the server was a little bit different than it is now. Also you can deny that Dire Maul didn't ruined it but I'm pretty sure it did since everyone was there, dueling or PvE instead of joining bg's or arena.

Remove Dire Maul, remove the bugged arena areas and battlegrounds (like Strand of the Ancients aka Strand of Lag) and relaunch in december during Christmas?

Also I think that a lot of people go to AT because it has a lot of famous players like Jpeg, Zage and Flynn that play on AT. And AT actually listens to the desires that people suggest on the forum instead of thinking of an excuse for every idea. They have a dev team and if something is not possible the dev team makes it possible in a custom way.

Didn't wanted to sound like a dick but it's the truth.
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Post by Imperium »

I suggest, that with Flayne being back, we have a grand re-opening event.

Not sure waht the fuck it could be, but rewards would be handed out etc. All we need a stable, loyal playerbase of about 20-30 people. It will then pick up slowly. All we really need is one BG going on daily to start, say WSG, yeah it'll suck for a while but the population will pick up if we keep at it.

My concern was the BG queues. The reason we had a good 20-30 people on for the first few weeks was because those players were waiting everyday for a BG to pop, we got SotA ONCE, then that was it.

Add the Battleground NPCs to the malls and zones, I think that would help tremendously.
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Post by Henhouse »

Firstaidkit wrote: If you started rotating the bg's from the release then maybe the bg's started and maybe the server was a little bit different than it is now. Also you can deny that Dire Maul didn't ruined it but I'm pretty sure it did since everyone was there, dueling or PvE instead of joining bg's or arena.

Remove Dire Maul, remove the bugged arena areas and battlegrounds (like Strand of the Ancients aka Strand of Lag) and relaunch in december during Christmas?

Also I think that a lot of people go to AT because it has a lot of famous players like Jpeg, Zage and Flynn that play on AT. And AT actually listens to the desires that people suggest on the forum instead of thinking of an excuse for every idea. They have a dev team and if something is not possible the dev team makes it possible in a custom way.

Didn't wanted to sound like a dick but it's the truth.
Rotating the BGs wouldn't work and would be pointless. You can QUEUE FROM ANYWHERE. Why the hell do you think that having players go to some area where a NPC rotates is somehow going to make BG rotates magically work?

IIRC you were completely in favor of adding Dire Maul as a quick alternative to appease PvP players.

I listen to the 'desires' of the community. Do I actually implement them is another question entirely. Usually your 'desires' are not thought-through, retarded, or just plain idiotic. And if I were to implement them, and they backfire---who's the first one to get blamed? Me. You never change.

I'm a person with a job, school and a life. I'm not a "dev team."
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Post by Retrobution »

"cough" pve server "cough".....
Henhouse wrote:
Retrobution wrote:
Henhouse wrote:Has been fixed.

Essentially we accidentally made it so BGs/Instances forgot how to count. That's why the buffs never went away and you could never do anything timed, or calculated.

So basically you set there nationality to Iran?
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Post by Pallyofhell »

Retrobution wrote:"cough" pve server "cough".....
fuck pve damnit
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Post by Abwyz »

Gief 277 gear to donors mall, paying 20$ for something I could achieve in one week of voting sucks.
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Post by Firstaidkit »

Henhouse wrote: Rotating the BGs wouldn't work and would be pointless. You can QUEUE FROM ANYWHERE. Why the hell do you think that having players go to some area where a NPC rotates is somehow going to make BG rotates magically work?

IIRC you were completely in favor of adding Dire Maul as a quick alternative to appease PvP players.

I'm a person with a job, school and a life. I'm not a "dev team."
So then it's pointless to rotate the battlegrounds on TBC too? Because the new battlegrounds don't even work in Wrath of the Lich King. Strand of the Ancients and Isle of Conquest for example. I'm pretty sure both of them have lots of bugs so the only battlegrounds left are the ones from TBC. And I just asked why not rotate them? Even if you can queu from ANYWHERE you can just disable it at the start of the server or something I dunno. At least to make sure the battlegrounds even start. We had like 3 Warsong Gulches in total on the Wrath server and 1 Strand of the Ancients. That's not a lot and that's also the reason I quit the server since it's dead. I tried to play it for 2 - 3 weeks but the only thing that was going on was PvE and even that was fkn bugged. Although we were at Lich King.

And I wasn't really in favour of adding Dire Maul but ok. Dunno who told you that but not me. I told you lots of times to get rid of it since nobody queud battlegrounds because they could all farm easy honor in Dire Maul......

I know you are not a dev team and you don't have a dev team, but I'm just saying that's the reason everyone goes to AT they have "famous players" and a professional dev team.
Henhouse wrote:I listen to the 'desires' of the community. Do I actually implement them is another question entirely. Usually your 'desires' are not thought-through, retarded, or just plain idiotic. And if I were to implement them, and they backfire---who's the first one to get blamed? Me. You never change.
More likely you are busy with RL and come up with an excuse to not implement it. Crossfaction bg's, Custom Transmog, stacks of 2000 instead of 20, FFA area (the same way Arena-Tournament has with Isle of Quel'Danas). I don't get it why you dislike them and if you think they will backfire at you why does AT already makes use of them? I didn't hear anyone complain there.

Seriously you need something new Henry else more of the old players are going to quit, this server is getting boring if you are here as long as me. It's also kind wack of you that you call me retarded if I just suggest some ideas like I said in the previous post I didn't want to sound like a dick. I just tell you the truth. You got mad on me for disrespecting you and now you disrespect me. And I think it's pretty weak of you for calling me names like that I thought you were the mature boss around here. No need to insult me for my ideas. I maybe don't think them entirely through but that's why this is a forum and we can argue about the ideas.

Why do we even have a suggestion topic if you aren't able to code shit anyways.. you're always busy.
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Post by Henhouse »

I never said you were retarded, that is you interpreting that. I said your ideas are "usually" retarded. Like implementing Guru with no restrictions, limits, group caps, etc. You often over the years have thrown out quick ideas without thinking them through.

Being "disrespectful" was merely alluding to that fact you're taking the Overdozze approach where you were in the beta the whole time, but attribute all the failures on my behalf like you were chained down and never had room for suggestion or improvement.

These ideas like Quel'Danas would takes a LONG time to program and test. Quite frankly, you suggest this, but then complain about Dire Maul taking away from BGs? Please explain how that's supposed to HELP.

As for Wrath, I have been talking with Flayne about relaunching the server back to our original roots, and as a funserver. We'll look into this in the future when I have time, but essentially we'll have to narrow the gear gap, making obtaining end-game items easier, and more affordable. Sucks, I know but it's the approach we'll have to take to make it appealing. We cannot sit here and try to force people to compete with large servers with progression. Additionally, give the Dalaran mall the boot.
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Post by Firstaidkit »

Oh but you tested Lich King properly with 10 stacks of Tenacity, GG.
And then say he isn't bugged.

Good joke.

Also sorry I was busy in the beta, busy with doing tickets as a GM (on TBC) since noone bothered doing them at that time all were focused on Wrath of the Lich King. So that's why I gave it a try too only that was after the beta and I actually reported a few things maybe not such big things but I wasn't the one that released it way to early and I also wasn't the one bitching about releasing it, I wouldn't care less if it took you another year or another two years for the release IF it only released better than it did now.

Because the idea of Quel'Dans FFA (or another area don't care) will work on your existing TBC server since it already has 100 - 200 players. On your Wrath of the Lich King server only a few people played and those few people were all in Dire Maul. I could be wrong on this since the bg's are terrible nowadays on TBC since most of the good players already left the server.

Also what's so retarded on group caps it will only avoid excessive farming something that you don't want to happen.
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