Kinda important question?
Re: Kinda important question?
correct.Deems wrote:it was 25 to donate on wrath iirc
Also, it was access to: relentless main set, wrath offset, and epic gems and enchants.
you still had to work for 277 items, in terms of trinkets and weps etc, you had to get badges.
for SF wrath, everyone has access to epic gems and ecnhants, I'm unsure what the donation gear will be like but if I'm correct you'll be able to donate for wrath and relentless alike, so we'll see.
that is subject to change but thats all i know in terms of donation.
Re: Kinda important question?
No, you will not be able to transfer off of the TBC realm. Donation price differences and also just a lot more hassle and work to be completed.
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