Down to 6 votes a day now?

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Re: Down to 6 votes a day now?

Post by Firstaidkit »

It is called SEO (Search Engine Optimalization) and if you wanna get on a high spot in Google or any other search engines you need to make sure that all of the keywords that you use on your webpage are relevant to the content on it. Also make sure that your meta-description and title fit the content of your page good. For example: "Smolderforge TBC 2.4.3 World of Warcraft private server"

But still this process can take long since the other websites wants to get high in Google as well with maybe the same keywords or descriptions so then it's basically an SEO battle.

Also there are more things you can do to get visitors on your webpage by advertising on other websites or in this case World of Warcraft Servers. This will give you visitors and so called backlinks. The more backlinks you get the higher your Pagerank gets and the higher you will get in Google.
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