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Re: -.-'

Post by Decei »

Are you drunk? I did warn you excessive ammounts of time yet you maybe thought it would be cool infront of your friend to keep doing it.. Then your friend started as well, and we really don't tolerate that kind of shit.

(You made me ban 2 of your accounts and close one because you kept using that macro. You were IP-banned for 72 hours. With a valid reason, so stop bitching at me for it.)
Decei can just suck my **** thats all.Should i afraid of 1 retarded boy-no ofc.
You're clearly not used to people telling you whats wrong and what's right.. This is the most stupid post I've seen in a long time short after Lolzeros /close on every thread pretty much.
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Re: -.-'

Post by Henhouse »

Both Decei and myself we there. We warned you MULTIPLE times, and your friends to STOP and you continued.

In addition, you've been banned for this BEFORE. So yet you continue? Please tell me why on earth that would make logical sense, and logical sense for you to ask for an unban?

Be glad it's a suspension... again.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development

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