Donation +

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Posts: 25

Re: Donation +

Post by Terry92 »

Ingame Stuff that exists is ok we dont need gems with extra stats , just some donation bonus after a total of $ , you create legendary tmogs so maybe you cou could create a crown t mog like the cosmetics of blizzard the frostcrown tmog just without the skull and dust u know what i mean ?
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Re: Donation +

Post by Henhouse »

That item model was added in 5.4 -- Mists of Pandaria, so it is unavailable in TBC's 2.4.3. We can only work with what is in the actual game, and most of which has already been obtained by players in some form or fashion.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 25

Re: Donation +

Post by Terry92 »

Ok it was just an idea :)
Posts: 96

Re: Donation +

Post by ludvigpasse »

i think some incentive (status only is fine) to donate larger amounths of money like 50+ dollars would be good. and some larger time/money sink then the 150 wep fragments would be cool. i think if you give players a reason to keep investing time and/or donations to their characters it would make it more fun given that most progress is already given to us theres little to work towards. even something really tiny like a crown xmog for 500 wep frags or 50 dollars. or non unique gems with same stats as unique ones (fully gemmed this is a whopping 16more spelldamage at best for example) for 200 wep frags or 20 dollars a pop. just to give people a sense of character developement. also a larger number of chocoboxes for 5 dollars a pop would be nice so you dont need to buy or collect bojs to get them. maybe like a golden mantle custom model that is legendary unique to the player with same stats as their current cloak for 100 dollars to show support to server.
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