PvP Server !

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Re: PvP Server !

Post by Bucovsky »

Perhaps a solution to this could be spawning the portal to Gurubashi twice a day, 1 hour long each time. The first 1h would be dedicated for the EU time and the second for the NA time. Apart from that, there could be a daily PvP quest requiring players to use something in the middle of the arena with 10 seconds cast time. If the object despawned outside of that 1h period, players would have to complete it only when the portal was open. Just an idea. Dire Maul would be great too.
Posts: 107

Re: PvP Server !

Post by robsn »

@Henhouse yeah true that
Posts: 25

Re: PvP Server !

Post by Terry92 »

@Henhouse = Gurubashi is not a bad idea , every damn server is pvping there , best place for ffa , and whats the problem if the caster is outside casting in ? you have to handle it against a caster , why should the caster havent this chance to stay outside a rogue can shadowstep to him , a warri and palli have to use cds tto get out of mid and get the caster , i dont get it why its a porblem to do open pvp , or farm his mats or or or , remove this damn custom isle remove crossfaction , and place the mals in stormwind and orgrimmar , and people will travel arround and search for players , wheres the problem , every single privat server got his mals in stormwind , ironforge in orgrimmar and Undercity , but this server got custom isle .... with ports to fucking everywhere but not the gurubashiarena - this server needs some kicks to the ass to change some things to get popular ... and pls add the warglaives and the other t6 parts , bc without warglaives jesus christ bring me back to heaven , there is a lot of players waiting for a damn good privatserver , for nice pvping , nice pve , but u havent even fixed pve raids , only add a custom shitt xD ... thats not pve - change all these things and you will see how many people will join this server cause this server will be one of the best - i rly love this server but it gets bored after a while , pve isnt rly pve its bugged in some dungeons and raids , and pvp in bgs gets bored to lose against premades with B.i.S or win against randoms without Gear - peopleo which play here , are playing on other privtservers too , if you change some things to the good one , they will bring hundrets of people to smolderforge ;) , its god for the server , and its good for your money ;)
Posts: 25

Re: PvP Server !

Post by Terry92 »

pls remove custom ideas xD dont need custom crap , only if its for daylie quests in azeroth , maybe to get flasks mats potions earnpoints and marks out of it , would be an idea , to do quests for the guys , cause u destroyed quel danas , pvp is dead there .... just dont know why , it was a nice plac to do daylies and pvp
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Re: PvP Server !

Post by Henhouse »

We've been around 8 years, and we've tried Gurubashi. It's a disaster and is not fun. That's why we only hold events there on rare occasion. It's not balanced, it's not fun, and it's absolute chaos. It was not designed for full-on FFA PvP. Casters can stand on edges of the wall to be counted as in the zone to get FFA, graveyards do not work there -- we once tried putting them on pillars and letting players teleport down, and people just camp the areas, etc.

It's pointless, and becomes not-fun every time we've done it.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 20

Re: PvP Server !

Post by Dice »

Reopen IQD pvp, i loved that shit
Posts: 107

Re: PvP Server !

Post by robsn »

crossfaction with unable to que 10 man for bgs would be bring some fun back
Posts: 94

Re: PvP Server !

Post by Zap »

Nah, more profession areas will solve the problem.
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