Old players around

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Posts: 109

Re: Old players around

Post by Akatosh »

What happened that made the population drop so much?
Posts: 785

Re: Old players around

Post by ZatYo »

Xaru wrote: 21 Oct 2022, 21:59 Nice to see you guys - I have a account on mograine eu WOTLK too since my friend Lootman recommended it, love your youtube vids. I have some terrible news though ... I'm 31 and I think I have really bad carpal tunnel - if I play for just 15mins my thumbs, index, middle and ring finger goes completely numb and then it starts to hurt, and even just resting my hands I have numbness. it breaks my heart. I even bought the epic northrend upgrade but I seemingly can't play anymore :(
ahhh man that made me sad
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