How to install addons

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How to install addons

Post by Akami90 »

Hi im very new to smolderforge and i would like to know how to install addons. I searched up some tbc addons such as bartender and recount and i tried extracting it to my addons folder and for some odd reason it isnt showing up in the addons tab in game. Can someone please help me?
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Re: How to install addons

Post by Henhouse »

Make sure they're in their root directory, so "Bartender4" and not like "BartenderAddon/Bartender4", for example. No zips or rars, they must be extracted.

If you are doing this and they're not showing up, it *could* be a read permissions issue, but that sounds odd. You could try moving the WoW folder to the Desktop, in that case, to see if they load then next time you run Wow.exe.

If none of this works, send a screenshot of your AddOns folder so we can see if something is amiss.

Oh, and the Addons folder must LITERALLY be spelled "AddOns" -- not "addons" or "Addons", but "AddOns" or it will not work in some cases.
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